Session on “Cyber Wellness” by Counseling Cell in association with IQAC

The Counseling Cell in association with the IQAC organized a session on ‘Cyber Wellness’ on 02nd November 2022. The Resource Person for the session was Ms. Sonal Naik, Trainer at Cyber Wellness Centre, Panaji-Goa. A total of 59 students attended the session.

The objective of the session was to create awareness on cyber safety and responsible online behaviour among students. College Counselor, Ms. Eshani Bakhle and faculty member Asst. Prof. Myron Pereira coordinated the session.

Ms. Sonal commenced the session by explaining various cybercrimes such as photo morphing, stalking, sharing fake news, cyber bullying, creating fake accounts of others and hacking. She described the legal consequences of the same to the students. While speaking about cybercrimes, Ms. Sonal provided the audience with examples of real-life events.  The concept of sextortion, revenge porn and porn addiction were also explained to the students.

Thereafter, she informed the students about safety measures and reporting mechanism for online gaming and social media platforms. The safety measures with regards to social media included not sharing live videos or photos that would disclose one’s live location, gathering evidence in case of crime such as taking screenshots, reporting it on social media platforms and informing the concerned authority about the same. For safe online gaming, the students were informed to not join gaming groups or people they are unaware of and not to buy gaming items online without proper information.

Lastly, she spoke about the mental health aspects of individuals who have been victims of cybercrimes. Ms. Sonal concluded the session by informing them about the functioning of Cyber Wellness Centre located in Goa. The session ended at 10.00am and Ms. Sneha Ganachari, student of First Year B.Com proposed the Vote of Thanks.
