Session on “Careers in the Indian Air Force”

The Career Cell organized a session on “Careers in the Indian Air Force” on 22nd August, 2019 in the Smart Classroom. Wing Commander Fernando Da Costa, Commanding Officer at 5 Airman Selection Center, Jodhpur, Rajasthan and Lt. Col. Jesus Furtado, Commanding Officer at IIT 5 Airmen Selection Center, Jodhpur were the resource persons. Principal Dr. Prita D. Mallya welcomed the Resource persons and the audience. Assistant Professor Muktali Cuncoliencar introduced the resource persons.

The main objective of the talk was to make students aware about the career opportunities in the Indian Air force. The resource person commenced the session by giving a brief description about the Indian Air force. During the session, the speaker mentioned the eligibility criteria required for getting into Indian Air force. The speaker also gave a brief summary about the various tests conducted for selecting candidates. He briefed the students about the training provided under Air Force as well as pay and allowances paid to the employees. The speaker ended the session by quoting “IAF gives you life larger than life”. The entire session was interactive and informative. The Session was attended by 54 interested B.Com, BBA(FS) and BCA students as well as by NCC cadets. The session ended with the vote of thanks proposed by a student.
