The Career and Placement Cell of the College in collaboration with Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India organised a session on Entrepreneurship as a Career Choice for the B.Com students on Friday, 17th February 2023 in online mode using Google Meet platform. The session began at 12.15 p.m. Ms. Sheryl Sanches, Asst. Prof. in Commerce welcomed the participants and introduced the Resource Person Mr. Dinesh Jain, Entrepreneurship Development Institute. Mr. Jain, in his presentation explained to the students what is entrepreneurship and the skills required to be an entrepreneur. He gave the examples of famous young entrepreneurs and narrated their success stories. Mr. Jain discussed some of the rewards of entrepreneurship like being the boss, opportunity to be creative, etc. He also shared some of the challenges that an individual has to face as an entrepreneur.
Mr. Jain discussed reasons as to why entrepreneurship is a good career choice and familiarised the students with the qualities one should possess in order to be a successful entrepreneur. Towards the end of the session, Mr. Jain addressed the queries raised by the students. Ms. Sushrusha Naik Khandekar proposed the Vote of Thanks for the session. Altogether, 37 students participated in this session.