self defence talk 2017
The Equal Opportunity Cell organized a demonstration session on Self Defense on 27th January 2017. The Session began with the welcome address by the Principal Dr. (Mrs.) Prita D. Mallya followed by the introduction of the Resource person by Mrs. Deepa Pujari, Convenor of the Cell.

The Resource person for the session was Bronze Medal Winner, Asian Championship 2016, Ms ANGELA DE ABREU NAIK, first Indian woman to be the honorary member of OFFICIAL INTERNATIONAL TAEKWONDO HALL OF FAME- 2015, bestowed with Lifetime Achievement Award in 2015, 1st Woman in India to hold Class II – KYORUGI & POOMSAE, declared best International Referee at 1st India Open, 2010.

Ms. Angela along with some student volunteers demonstrated self defense techniques by role playing different situations where the group of attackers are on bike, in cars, in a bus, attackers trying to choke, attacker trying to grab you from behind, from front, in which one could defend themselves against attackers.

DSC_0116She explained that elbow is the strongest part of your body and should be used as a weapon to defend oneself. In difficult situation we have to trust our instincts, and prepare ourself mentally.Safest way is to avoid, confront – look straight in the eye say Hello- if no choice shout, hit and run.

Ms. Angela demonstrated how to react when caught in different situations. When caught in a situation where the attackers are on the bike – bag or chain snatching for instance, the best thing to do is to grab the attackers hand and pull him with force so that they lose their balance. Hit out with all your might and power. When caught in a situation where the attackers are in a car and trying to grab you, the best thing to do is to take the support of the window and kick the attacker, try and rescue yourself and escape. Choking situations – hold and twist the fingers backwards, simultaneously use your leg – hit the attackers shin, knee, groin, elbow to solar plexus and run. When someone is trying to lock you from behind with arms around you the best thing to do is drop yourself down letting your body loose, escape or counterattack by any means that comes to your mind like punching, kicking, biting etc.

DSC_0189The Resource person demonstrated different ways of blocking the attacker with confidence, determination and will power and she said one has to say yes…I can do it. Its now or never.

This was followed by an interactive session where the students shared their apprehensions and Ms. Angela Naik reassured them by suggesting what needs to be done.

All in all this session was an eye opener for all the participants making then aware of how vulnerable a person is and at the same time gave them the counter measures to defend themselves.
