‘Seed Balls Making’ activity

The ‘Seed Balls Making’ activity was conducted for First Year BBA(FS) students as an initiative towards greening the environment. The increasing population is creating pressure on resources, which has resulted in many environmental problems. The forest cover is depleting and the green element of the environment is deteriorating day by day. The aim of this activity was to make the student community as well as public aware about the environment and its conservation.

The objectives of this activity were to involve students in preparing Seed Balls and distribute them among the students, teaching and non-teaching staff and NSS volunteers and to create awareness about a better environment among the public, in an innovative manner.

On 10th August 2019, 70 First Year BBA(FS)  students undergoing the Environmental Studies course, made 450 Seed Balls of different vegetable seeds such as okra, bitter gourd, pumpkin, muskmelon and ridge gourd. The Seed Balls were made by mixing soil, compost and vegetable seeds. The students were instructed by the concerned teachers about the procedure of making the Seed Balls. After making the seed balls, they were kept to dry for 24hours. On 12th August, students made 450 cups from jackfruit leaves in which the Seed Balls were packed and labeled.

On 15th August 2019, the 73rdIndependence Day, the Seed Balls were distributed to all the students as well as the teaching and non-teaching staff members of the College and other sister institutions. All were requested to plant the Seed Balls in their garden or convenient and favorable areas as a contribution towards a green and healthy environment. The activity was successfully carried out and was appreciated by all present.
