Scholarship Distribution Programme

Blue Cross Lab. Pvt Ltd. is a leading research-based pharmaceutical company in India with over three decades of experience in providing healthcare products to people across the globe with the aim of improving human life. As part of its CSR initiative, the company gave scholarships to 4 meritorious First Year BBA(FS) students from disadvantaged backgrounds. The BBA(FS) department organised the scholarship distribution programme on February 5th.

The function started at around 12.15pm. The compere was Ms. Sarva Hede. Ms. Arya Bhosle introduced the company and also highlighted the various CSR initiatives taken up by the company. The CSR Consultant of Blue Cross Lab. Pvt Ltd Ms. Ajanta Burman was present for the function. She highlighted the purpose of the scholarship and also assured that the company will always provide financial assistance to needy students. The company has provided Rs 15000/- to each student under the scholarship. Ms. Burman of Blue Cross handed over the scholarship certificates to the students. At the end, the student beneficiaries thanked the company for providing them with much needed financial assistance. The program ended at around 1.00 p.m.
