‘Rainbow Ambassadors Training’

The Women’s Cell of the College in association with Red Dot Foundation organized a Rainbow Ambassadors Training program from 2nd to 10th Dec 2022 for 5 selected students. The Resource Persons for the training were Meera Menezes & Tina Echaporia, Rainbow Ambassadors trainers.

The main objective of the training was to make students aware of the concepts of inequality, bystander, harassment, digital safety & Indian law; to make Damodar College safer for students & train Rainbow Ambassadors to organize events related to the above.

2nd December 2022 Vice Principal, Dr. Edwin Barreto, Assoc. Prof. in Commerce welcomed the students and gave a brief overview of the importance of the training. Dr. Anjali Sajilal introduced the Resource Persons.  The training commenced with an introduction of Red Dot Foundation by the Resource Persons.

The topics covered were Understanding Gender & Sexuality, Understanding & Challenging Unconscious Bias, Understanding Power & Privilege, Understanding Sexual & Gender based Violence. The resource persons  explained how the students can organise different activities. The example used was Understanding Bystander Intervention to improve the situation of street harassment: videos & case study used and Role play done by students:



6th December 2022 – topics covered on this day were Sustainable Development Goal, Sexual Harassment of women at workplace, Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal Act 2013, Responsibilities of the IC, How to file a complaint, Transgender Person Act, Sexual Offences Sections: case study used, Empathic V/S Sympathy: videos & case study used, Role play on Empathic V/S Sympathy: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YHAWLj5KP2tLB3o7c1cYC84qy67WFnuc/view?usp=share_link,https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MbdPfpyRLgNtWAmoij8fP8a8fskq4ayo/view?usp=share_link,

Mental Health & Wellness – the resource persons explained about how the students can organize different activities, Stress Management. Role play video played on Stress Management of Roshni Khatun M.Com part I:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UjnZ8hSx_S48zrJbp8JURz7dOVIgwVGW/view?usp=share_link


7th December 2022 – topics covered on this day were Digital safety, Violence of Cyber Crime, Indian Penal Code, IT Act 2000, Child Sexual Abuse, Domestics Laws, Sexual Offences under POCSO, Section 19- filing a report under POSCO, 4-6 case studies on Sexual Harassment were discussed


10th December 2022 – topics covered on this day were How to use Instagram page, How to use Facebook page, How to use Canva page, Discussion on Activities to be conducted, Overview of topics covered, Q&A session


The training was very informative and helped the students in understanding the various practicalities and Indian Laws. The students raised various queries, which the Resource Person readily answered. Dr. Anjali Sajilal & Dr. Lina Sadekar were the teachers in charge.
