Puneet Sagar Abhiyan

The NCC Naval Wing in association with the Literary Club of Cultural Council organized a series of activities to commemorate the “Puneet Sagar Abhiyan with special reference to G-20-Marine Pollution”, (a nationwide flagship campaign) from 6th-8th September 2023. A series of events comprising an Essay competition, Debate competition, and a Poster competition were organized. The objective of the series of events was to raise awareness among the students and general public with regard to the use of plastic thereby reducing plastic pollution, especially marine water pollution.

Day One: 6th September 2023

A Poster competition was organized on the theme “Marine Pollution with special reference to the G-20 Summit”. 17 posters were received. The First place was bagged by Ms. Aminia Fernandes and Ms. Swency Fernandes (FY B.Com A), the Second place was received by Ms. Laxmi Rathod (FY B.Com D), and the third place was bagged by Ms. Vasvi Dhuri and Ms. Prachi Naik (FY B.Com A). The competition was judged by Ms. Marjina Shaikh and Ms. Pooja Shanbhag Assistant Professors in Commerce, and Ms. Lizette D’Costa, Assistant Professor in Economics.

Day two: 7thSeptember 2023

An Essay Competition was held on the topic “Impact of Marine Pollution on Human Beings”. 09 students participated in this competition. First place was won by Jesly Leitao from FY B.Com B and Mr Mehzad Shaikh from TY B.Com A,Second place was secured by Ms. Taniya Silveira  from FY B.Com-A and third place was claimed by Ms. Veverly Pereira from FY B.Com-E and Mr. H Tribhuvan of FY BBA(FS)-A. The judges were Dr. Rodney D’Silva and Dr. Shami Pai, Associate Professors in Commerce.

Day three: 8thSeptember 2023

A Debate was held on the topic “Should companies be held responsible for Marine Pollution?”. First place was won by the team comprising Ms. Nimra Shaikh, Mr. Vishal Ajarekar and Ms. Marisa Fernandes of FY B.Com-D and Ms. Keneisha Pereira of FY B.Com-E. Second place was secured by the team comprising Mr. Rahul Raikar and Ms. Monisha D’Costa from FY B.Com-B and Ms. Shreeya Naik and Ms. Clancy Fernandes of FY B.Com-C. Third place was won by Ms. Valeny Fernades, Mr. Anurag Chari, Mr. M. D. Fahadullah Javed and Mr. Granthik Buyao of FY B.Com A. The judges were Mr. Shreyas Dessai, Assistant Professor in Economics and Ms. Anisha Sawant, Assistant Professor in Commerce.

All the events were coordinated by Sub. Lt Pretty Pereira, ANO of Naval Wing, and Dr. Monica M. Patil, Faculty In charge, Literary Club.
