The secretary of PTA Dr. Rodney D’Silva welcomed the gathering of parents and teachers. All the teachers and parents present introduced themselves to each other.

Principal Dr Prita D. Mallya addressed the gathering and emphasized the following points:

  • Increase in the number of parents attending the PTA meeting is very encouraging and more parents are now showing active interest
  • College timings are from 7.45 am till 12.00 or 1 pm; TY students do certificate courses from 1.30 to 3 pm.
  • Receipts are always issued for any money collected from students for certificate courses, etc.
  • Marks statements of the October examination will be issued to parents
  • Parents should keep in touch with happenings in their wards’ life through the college website and Fedena – for attendance and marks scored, exam related news etc.

Mr Bhandarkar asked about timings of certificate courses, Principal clarified the same.

Student Counsellor Tanushri Sharma gave a short presentation highlighting- positive thinking, advice, problem-solution, communicating with children, children’s hangout mates, parents should know their child’s friends, parents should talk to their children’s friends etc. She convinced the parents that going to a counselor is like going to a doctor and is very normal.

3 new members we added to the executive committee of the PTA to replace 3 outgoing members. The new members are:   Mr Datta Patil, Mr Shankar Kalpekar and Mr John Silveira.

A parent suggested that students should be kept engaged in college with activities in the afternoon too – Dr Shami responded that FY students had life skills course, Dr. Sheetal added that  Commerce club activities were arranged for SY students, MSME course, Cultural workshops- folk dance and ghumat aarthi. Ms. Lydia added that practicals, extra classes, remedial and inter-collegiate competitions are conducted after class hours.

All parents had been given Feedback forms – they were allowed to take the forms home, as they could collect some information from their wards, before filling the form.

Dr Sanjay once again appreciated the parents coming to the meeting in large numbers, he emphasized the following:

  • that parents were the first teachers
  • newspaper reading was necessary for general knowledge
  • parents should ensure that their children sleep early.

A total of 75 parents attended the PTA Meeting. The meeting ended at 11.40 am.
