Project Roadstep Series

The Department of Computer Science organized “Project Roadsteps” – An initiative for orienting and guiding the TYBCA Students through a series of Steps for their Final year Projects.Project RoadSteps was conducted over a period of 3 months, Aug-Sept-Oct 2022.

Project RoadStep1: Orientation on TYBCA Projects – by Ms. Sweta P. Shet Verenkar.The students were informed about the planning & research required to choose a good project topic. Further, the process of evaluation of project by the University was also explained to the students.

Project RoadStep 2: Synopsis Writing Session for TYBCA Project Groups – by Ms. Sweta P. Shet Verenkar. Once the students formed their project groups, they were provided with a format and guidance to write the Project Synopsis. The student groups were informed to submit Synopsis for more than one project Idea. After this session, the Synopsis was shared with the respective Project Guides to analyze and finalize a good project topic.

Project RoadStep 3:Industry Interaction Session for TYBCA Projects by Mr. Mohsin Shaikh, Founder & CEO, Haztech. Mr. Mohsin discussed the ideas selected by the students for their Projects and guided them on the path forward. Every Project group was given time to ask their doubts and queries at the end of the session.

Project RoadStep 4: Peer-Sharing of Information by Project Guides – TYBCA Project Groups – by Ms. Sweta P. ShetVerenkar. This session was moderated by Ms. Nishigandha Naik Gaonkar. Every faculty was allotted a time limit of 10 minutes to providebrief about their student’s project group Idea. All the 13 Project group ideas were discussed and inputswere received from all other faculty members. This session helped all the Department faculties to know about every project and give suggestions to other faculties and students.

Project RoadStep 5: Project Management and Software Version Control using Git and Gitlab, – by Mr. Wendham Gray. The Computer Science Council had recommended training for students in using a Project Management and Version Control tool and this session was a part of implementing the same. Mr. Wendham conducted a hands-on session for the TYBCA Students on using Git Commands.

A total of 72 TYBCA Students benefited immensely from all the 5 Project Roadsteps as it was the first time that a series of such sessions was conducted for the students.The coordinator for all the 5 Project sessions was Mrs. Sweta P. ShetVerenkar,TYBCA Project Coordinator.All the Department faculty members contributed in the successful execution of all the sessions and students were happy to have received proper step by step guidance for doing the projects.
