“Presentation Skills”

The FY Certificate Course Committee had organized a session on “Presentation Skills” as a part of Certificate Course in 21st Century Life Skills for the FY Management students on 6th October 2022 from 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm. The Resource Person for the session was Ms. KananTandi, Co-founder of CogniCue, Education and Recruitment counsellor, Instructor in field of Body language and Non-verbal Communication. The objective of the session was to improve the presentation skill and help the student in delivering effective and engaging presentations. A total of 75 students attended the session.

Ms. Mahek Shaikh a student from FY BBA(FS)-A welcomed and introduced the Resource Person to the audience. The Resource Person took over the session and briefed the students that central to effective presentation skills are subject knowledge, tone of voice, body language, creativity and delivery. She explained different ways to reduce fear and anxiety while giving presentations and ways to build confidence.

The speaker emphasized on why preparation is the most important part of making a successful presentation and other most important aspects include the objective of the presentation, the subject, and the audience. She shared some tried and tested strategies and techniques in delivering an effective and engaging presentation and also explained how to utilize facial expression and the use of non-verbal communication during a presentation.

The speaker stressed the importance of maintaining eye contact with the audience during presentation and how to control voice while speaking, the pitch and tone of the voice to be used to communicate the message more clearly to the audience. She elaborated on the need to organize the presentation material by using the technique such as mind-mapping which could help in identifying links and good flow.

She also provided insight on how visual aids can add another dimension to the presentation by capturing the attention of the audience. She suggested using visual aids only if they are necessary to maintain interest and assist comprehension because if visual aids are not used well, they can ruin a presentation. She advised not to overrun your allotted time and use simple language for the audience to understand. The Resource Person also shared few tips and tricks that could help in connecting with the audience.

The speaker addressed the queries raised by the students. The details of the Resource Person were shared with the students for future reference. The students found the session very informative and beneficial. The session ended with a Vote of Thanks proposed by Ms. Khushanti A. Verlekar, a student of FY BBA(FS)-A.
