The 5 Kar Naval Unit of Udupi, Karnataka, organized a Pre NSC (Nau Sainik Camp) from 22nd May to 31st May 2024 at MIT University. The primary objective of the camp was to provide cadets with firsthand experience of naval life.

The camp was packed with numerous activities, memorable experiences, and adventures. The cadets received training in various naval skills and disciplines, including:

  • Semaphore: Learning the flag signaling system used in maritime communication.
  • Boat Rigging: Understanding the techniques and processes involved in preparing and managing boats.
  • Boat Pulling: Practicing the teamwork and physical effort required for rowing and maneuvering boats.
  • Health and Hygiene: Gaining knowledge on maintaining personal and communal health and hygiene.

Each day at the camp was meticulously planned, starting at 6:00 am with exercise and raising colors, and ending at 10:30 pm. The rigorous schedule aimed to instill discipline and a sense of routine among the cadets. At the end of the camp, cadets underwent examinations comprising both theory and practical papers to assess their learning and skills acquired during the camp.

The last day of the camp was filled with joy and celebration, featuring a cultural program in which cadets actively participated. This event marked a fitting conclusion to the camp, highlighting the camaraderie and team spirit developed over the ten days.

From our institution, two NCC Naval wing cadets, Leading Cadet H. Tribhuvan and Cadet Vaibhav Bandodkar, attended the camp and were selected for the next phase. The camp saw participation from cadets of the Karnataka and Goa Directorate.

Overall, the Pre NSC at MIT University provided the cadets with invaluable naval training, personal growth, and cherished memories.
