Poster Competition on Blood Donation cum Awareness

On the occasion of National Blood Donation Day, The NSS Unit of the College organized a Poster Competition from 1st to 9th October, 2021, on the theme ‘Raktadaan Jeevandaan/ Donate Blood-Save Lives’ wherein 36 volunteers submitted handmade/digital posters. 7 best posters were selected for creating awareness in the community through social media platforms. Volunteers uploaded their posters on a Google form weblink. Ms Sharmila Kunde NSS Chief PO was the activity in-charge.

Winners of the Competition are as follows:

1st Place Petalia Beata Coutinho TY B.Com D
2nd Place Delreen Pearl Rebello SY B.Com B
3rd Place Maryann Gomes TY B.Com B
Consolation Prizes Ashlone Jayson Da’Silva SY B.Com C
Jeslina Natasha Azavedo SY B.Com D
Princy Nithya Kannady FY B.Com C
Astral Sharmilee De Sa SY B.Com C






