Poster Competition

To commemorate the ‘Jan Bhagidari’ events during India’s G20 Presidency, the NSS unit of the College organized digital poster making competition on the theme “Shaping a Global Future: The G20 and Sustainable Development”. The main aim was to harness the digital creativity of individuals, particularly young artists and designers and also to enhance awareness about the G20’s role in shaping international cooperation and addressing global challenges, especially in the context of sustainability.

15 students participated for the competition and the best three were selected. The poster were judged based on the following criteria:

1) Relevance to the theme 2) Originality 3) Message Clarity 4) Creativity 5) Visual impact.

The following students are the winners of the competition.

  1. Kewell Fernandes (TY B.Com ) 1st
  2. Nandita Borker (SY B.Com) & Ramiza Kallimani (FY B.Com) 2nd
  3. Shaleen D’Silva (TY B.Com) 3rd

The activity was coordinated by NSS PO- In charge Mr. Sanjay Velip.
