“POSH & Bystander Intervention”

The Women’s Cell of the College conducted a session for faculty members on 1st March, 2023 on the topic ‘POSH & Bystander Intervention’

The Resource Persons for the session were Ms. Meera Menezes, Programme& Outreach Officer, RDF and Ms. Tania Echaporia, Chief Operating Officer, RDF.

Rainbow Ambassador Ms. Roshni Khatun, presented a brief report of the activities conducted for the students. She mentioned the various activities such as poster competition, Reel competition, Rally and quiz, which were organized in association with Red Dot Foundation. All prize winners were given certificates.

Dr. Lina Sadekar, IQAC Coordinator introduced the Speaker for the session. Ms. Tania Echaporia commenced the session by highlighting the importance of preventing sexual violence. She shared how the Safe City Mobile Application of Red Dot Foundation can be used for reporting cases.  The Red Dot Foundation Group works at the intersection of gender, technology, communications, data and urban planning and Safecity.

Safecity is a platform that crowd sources personal stories of sexual harassment and abuse in public spaces. This data which may be anonymous, gets aggregated as hot spots on a map indicating trends at a local level and is useful for individuals, local communities and local administration to identify factors that cause violence and work on strategies for solutions. The speaker concluded the session by sharing some cases which were reported on the Safecity Platform and how the platform helped to create a safe zone.

The programme concluded with the Vote of Thanks proposed by Dr. Anjali Sajilal.
