Participation in State Level Lecture

The M.E.S College of Arta & Commerce organised a State-Level Lecture on ‘Preventing Substance Abuse: Know more to No more’ on 20th March 2023.

The workshop started with an inaugural address by Dr. Manasvi Kamat, Principal of M.E.S College of Arts & Commerce. The Resource Persons for the session were Mr. Isidore Correia and Mr. Menino Marcel Counselors from Kripa Foundation, Goa.

Mr. Isidore Correia commenced the session by giving a brief introduction of his work at Kripa foundation. He explained the meaning of the word addiction and informed the audience about the effects of alcoholism on family and relationships. He ended the session by explaining the rehabilitation programme of Kripa Foundation in Goa.

The next speaker Mr. Menino Marcel, commenced the session by telling his story of being an alcoholic and resilience to overcome alcoholism. Mr. Correia mentioned various drugs and substance available in Goa and their effects on human body. He ended the session by providing the audience with information on helpline numbers for preventing substance abuse in Goa.

Three students namely Ms. Sakshi Govekar, Ms. Siya Gosawi and Mr. Mujimil Shaikh along with College Counsellor Ms. Eshani Bakhle attended the lecture.
