Participation at One-Day State Level Workshop on ‘Collection Development of e-resources: New Technologies for Libraries’

The Department of Library& Information Science of DCTs’ Dhempe College of Arts & Science, organized a One-Day State Level Workshop on ‘Collection Development of e-resources: New Technologies for Libraries’ for College Librarians and Assistant Librarians in Goa, on 25th February, 2020 in the College campus. The workshop was inaugurated by the Principal, Dr. Vrinda Borkar.

Technical sessions were conducted on topics such as Pearson: Discover the Wonderful Universe of Learning and MePro. MePro is a feedback-based English Learning improvement tool based on Global Scale of English (GSE). The objective of MePro is to ensure career development through excellent communication skills, and make students more employable and social. It is a personalized learning experience, set to one’s own pace of learning.

A total of twenty five participants attended the Workshop.
