Outreach Activity on Career Guidance

The Department of Commerce & Management conducted an Outreach Activity on Career Guidance for the students of R.M. Salgaocar Higher Secondary School, Margao on 25th January 2020. The activity was conducted by Dr. Edwin Barreto and Mr. Ainsley Bernard, for students from Commerce and Vocational streams. The welcome address was delivered by Mrs. Cintia Abranches, Principal of RMS HSS. Various career options available to the students after completion of their HSS were discussed with a special focus on the courses offered at VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics. A role play by our students laid emphasis on various career options available. Students raised queries about the career options available. A total of 141 students attended. The session ended with a Vote of Thanks by Mr. Naguesh Kamat.
