Orientation Programme for M. Com-I

The Post-Graduate Department organized an Orientation Programme for the students of M. Com Part I, on 22nd September 2021 from 10.00 to 11:00 am in Room no 21.The major objective of this programme was to make students aware of the academic aspects of the PG course, University and institution rules and regulations related to academic matters, programme highlights and department activities organised for the overall development of the students.

Ms. Sheryl Da Silva, faculty of the PG Department welcomed the gathering and began the session by providing the freshers with an overview regarding the structure of the M.Com Programme, PG club activities, workshops / seminars organised, certificate courses conducted, library and other infrastructural facilities available for imparting quality education and for ensuring holistic growth and overall personality development of the students. She also introduced the other faculty members of the Department.

Ms. Seema Dharani, Asst. Prof and faculty of the PG Department explained the conduct of examination (ISAs and SEE) and the mode of assessment and evaluation pattern followed for the M.Com students.Ms. Seema also informed the freshers about the mentoring sessions conducted by the Department for the benefit of the students. She urged students to participate in academic as well as cultural activities so as to help them improve their overall personalities and improve on soft skills.

Asst. Prof Ms. Pooja Shanbhag and faculty member of the PG Department briefed the students on the importance of internship and dissertation. She requested the students to abide by the institutional rules and norms and further encouraged the students to frequently visit the College library and read business journals and newspapers to enrich their existing knowledge. 25 students attended the session. The programme concluded at 11.15 am.
