Orientation on TY B.Com Projects

The Examination Committee of the College organised an Orientation on TY B.Com Projects for the students of TY B.Com on 21st October 2022. The Resource Person for the orientation was Dr. Ashish Joshi, Vice-Principal of MES College of Arts & Commerce, Zuarinagar, Goa. 184 students from TYB.Com attended the session.

The Resource Person discussed various elements of the project including identification of research gap, framing objectives, framing hypothesis, questionnaire design, data collection, data analysis and the format of presentation of the project report.

Queries of the students were also addressed by Dr. Ashis Joshi. The orientation ended with a Vote of Thanks proposed by TY B.Com student Mr. Prasanna Vengurlekar. Mr. Ainsley Bernard was the teacher incharge.
