‘Orientation on Mentoring’ for Mentors

The Student Welfare Cell organized a session on ‘Orientation on Mentoring’ for the mentors on 26th September 2022 from 1.30 pm to 2.30 pm in classroom F-101. Ms. Eshani Bakhle, the counselor of the College was the Resource Person for the session.

The teacher incharge, Ms. Rajlaxmi S. Nair, welcomed the faculties and gave a brief introduction of the Resource Person. The counselor explained the roles and guidelines of the mentor. She highlighted the importance of psychometric testing which includes different types of tests such as emotional intelligence test, self-esteem test, personality test and interest test. She advised the mentors to encourage their mentees to answer these tests and get the results. The mentors were directed to keep the information shared by the mentees confidential with them.

She emphasized that the mentors help their mentees with their career paths, motivate them and guide them accordingly. It was also stressed that if any mentors happen to identify warning signs of mental health issues in any student, then to immediately refer the student to the College counsellor. She also mentioned that students can approach her directly if needed. The session concluded with the Vote of Thanks given by the Teacher in charge Ms. Dixita Gauns Dessai. The sessions were attended by 19 faculties. The overall guidance for the session was provided by Dr. Shami Pai, Convenor of the Student Welfare Cell.
