‘Orientation on Fedena’ for Parents of FYBBA(FS)

The BBA(FS) department of V.V.M’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics organized an orientation on Fedena for parents of First Year BBA(FS)  students on 18th August 2018 at 10:00 am in the Smart Classroom.

The teaching faculty members were introduced to the parents. The session highlighted the key components of BBA(FS) programme. The parents were informed about the activities scheduled in the academic year, the examination scheme, mentoring, industrial visit, national events, investor hub and the minimum attendance required for the programme.

Ms. Usha Gauncar, Lab. Asst., BCA Department introduced parents to the Campus Management Software and demonstrated a detailed use of the software. The Parents were given a demo on tracking of attendance, marks, timetable of the students. The parents were also informed about the SMS alert facility on their mobile phone.

A total of 14 parents attended the session.
