Orientation for Parents of FYBCA Students

IMG_8879 copyThe Department of Computer Science organised an Orientation Program for the parents on 9th July 2016. First Vice President of Vidya Vikas Mandal Mr. Nitin Kunkolienker, Principal Dr.Prita D. Mallya and Vice Principal Dr. Sanjay Dessai were present for the occasion. This orientation programme was organised to share some important information related to the curriculum, extra-curricular activities, facilities and resources available for the students. This was an effort to bridge the communication gap between the parent teacher and the student.

Principal Dr.Prita D. Mallya welcomed the gathering and briefed the audience about Damodar College , its campus and facilities and mentioned that this College was the pioneer to start the BCA Programme in the State of Goa . She emphasised that this initiative was taken primarily to brief the parents well in advance rather than calling them after the student has been identified as a defaulter.

IMG_8883 copysmallFirst Vice President of VidyaVikas Mandal Mr. Nitin Kunkoliker addressed the gathering. He assured that he would get the best mentor from the IT Industry to guide Faculty and Students so as to equip them with the latest trend in the industry. He also requested parents to come up with suggestions related to the development they wish to see in the college and he would take it up on priority. Vice Principal Dr. Sanjay Desai stressed on discipline and punctualilty. Programme Co-ordinator, Ms Ekta Agarwal shared the highlights of BCA programme in general and further briefed the parents regarding the infrastructure ,library and other facilities available for the students. She then introduced all the faculty members to the audience. Mr. Sunil Naik and Ms Pooja Khot informed parents regarding mentoring, seminar, workshop, add on courses conducted for the students. Ms. Namita Neurenkar and Ms. Deepa Pujari emphasised on some important rules related to attendance and examination. Mr Sumit Kumar updated the audience with the various activities organised by the career and placement cell .Mr Gajanan Nial informed the parents about the Extension Activity planned by the department in order to create an awareness and inculcate a sense of social responsibility among the students.

This was followed by a demo of the Campus Management Software which would give the parents access to all student related information like attendance , examination , timetable , event etc. Parents were informed that regular SMS and E-mail alerts would be sent to the parents from time to time. This was followed by an interaction session by the parents where the parents actively praticipted by sharing their views, suggestion and also raising queries which were handled by the faculty.
