Online Tech Quotient Quiz

The Department of Computer Science organized an Online Tech Quotient Quiz from 23rd to 30th June 2020. The test comprised some basic questions on the apps that we use in our daily lives.  The objective was to put up an Open quiz so that people of all age groups can access it and gain basic software app information. The Quiz was coordinated by Ms. Sweta P. Shet Verenkar, Asst. Prof., Dept of Computer Science.

The Online Tech Quotient Quiz was very successful as 2,403 participants from across Goa as well as other States answered it. The Quiz comprised of 15 Questions with 10 Points each. The participants had to score 50% and above to attain an e-certificate with his/her score enclosed in a badge.

The questions and particularly the options incited curiosity within participants as they learned more from the options given for every question. The innovative way of displaying the score in a badge on the certificate was appreciated by all participants.
