Online Life Skills Session on ‘Presentation Skills’

The Life Skills Committee of the College organised an Online Life Skills Session for First Year B.Com. Students on 14th December 2020 from 11:45 a.m. to 01:45 p.m. using the Google Meet platform. The topic of the session was “Presentation Skills”. The Resource Person was Ms. Maria Fernandes Independent Consultant.

Assistant Professor Ms. Pretty Pereira welcomed the Resource Person followed by the introduction of the resource person.

Ms. Maria Fernandes covered different topics such as what is Presentation? Why are better Presentation Skills important? 10 common presentation mistakes, Audience Profiling and 3Ps of Presentation Skills.

Ms. Minoska Fernandes, student from FY B.Com B delivered the Vote of thanks.

In their feedback, the 33 students who attended, said they benefited immensely from the interesting and interactive session.
