Online Life Skills Session – 30 Hours Certificate Course

The Life Skills Committee of VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics organized an Online Session as a part of 30-Hour Certificate Course for First Year B.Com. students from 12:00 to 1:00 pm. on May 15, 2021. The topic of the session was Problem-Solving as a Life Skill, and the resource person was Mr. Suhas Mallya, Executive Director at Emco Goa Pvt Ltd. and ex-student of the College.

At the outset, Ms. Marjina Shaikh Assistant Professor and Convenor of Life Skill Committee welcomed the resource person and the virtual gathering.

Mr. Suhas Mallya covered the four key indicators of the problem-solving process, types of problem categorization and he encouraged the students to think on various possibilities of selected current issues. To illustrate critical thinking, Ms. Dimple Tavde from FY B.Com C spoke on electronic voting machines.

The vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. Avisek Kumar Sharma from FY B. Com-A and the session was compered by Ms. Megle Cardozo from FY B.Com-A. Overall, the session was very interesting and interactive. 37 students attended and participated enthusiastically throughout the session.

Prior to the session, Mr. Suhas Mallya had shared a Google form with the students and the questions/cases/memes/cartoons in the form were taken up for the interactive discussion on Problem-solving.

Asst. Professors Ms. Marjina Shaikh and Ms. Pretty Pereira coordinated the session.
