NSS Day Celebration

To Commemorate NSS Day, the NSS Unit organized the following activities from 24th to 26th September 2023.
  • Awareness Campaign on social media

On 24th September 2023, the NSS volunteers shared meaningful and motivating messages related to NSS on social media to increase visibility and engagement surrounding the celebration of NSS Day. The campaign aimed to inform, inspire, and mobilize individuals to contribute to community service and social development.

  • Wealth Out of Waste competition

This event aimed to promote the importance of recycling and reusing materials, fostering creativity, and contributing to a sustainable environment. The competition witnessed enthusiastic participation from 22 teams, each showcasing their innovative abilities and commitment to the cause. The “Wealth out of Waste” competition was held at Multipurpose Hall on 26th September 2023. The competition rules were each participating team had to create unique and useful items from materials that were often discarded as waste. Teams were encouraged to think outside the box, showcasing their creativity and innovation in re-purposing these materials.

The judging panel, comprised of esteemed faculty members Asst. Professor Saruka Kalangutkar and Asst. Professor Sushrusha Naik Khandekar who assessed each team’s creations based on the following criteria: Resource Efficiency, Innovation, and Quality of End Products.

The winners of the “Wealth out of Waste” competition are:

  1. First Place: Venasa Dias & team
  2. Second Place: Karina Gaunker & team
  3. Third Place: Lavanya Mhapsekar & team

The activities were coordinated by NSS PO Incharge Mr. Sanjay Velip, NSS PO Ms. Ashwina Volvoikar and NSS PO Ms. Akshada Gaonkar
