IMG-20181215-WA0013Camping forms an integral part of National Service Scheme. It has special appeal to the youth as it provides unique opportunities to the students for group living, collective experience sharing and constant interaction with community. The theme of the NSS Camp 2018 was “Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan” with special focus on Waste Management and prevention of Open Defecation. The camp was held for a period of seven days at Shree Shantadurga Chamundeshwari Kudthari Mahamaya temple, Padde – Quepem. 23 NSS volunteers and 4 NSS Programme Officers attended.

Day 1: 14/11/2018

On 14th November 2018, the Camp was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Mr. Sudin Kamath, Secretary of the Shree Shantadurga Chamundeshwari Kudthari Mahamaya temple committee and alumnus of the College, Principal Dr. Prita D. Mallya, and Dr. Vishal Chari, Chief NSS Programme Officer of the College. The Program began with a welcome address by the Principal and was followed by Lamp Lighting Ceremony by the Chief Guest, Principal, NSS Incharge, Mrs. Sharmila Kunde, NSS officer of SDCCE and a student volunteer. The Chief Guest shared his experience as an NSS volunteer and highlighted the objectives of the camp. After that the NSS programme officer gave a brief insight about the seven days programme. The function concluded with vote of thanks by Asst. Prof. Marjina Shaikh.

Day 2: 15/11/2018

On the second day of Camp, Cleanliness drive “Shramadan” was organized in the temple premises and nearby areas to spread the  message of hygiene, cleanliness and impacts on environment and to create awareness of the “Swacch Bharat Abhiyan”.

In the evening, a guest lecture was conducted for the students. The resource person was Mr. Kennedy D’silva, Former Principal of Don Bosco College. The session was on “Never Give Up in Life” wherein the resource person inspired the students by sharing his own real life story as to how he never stopped walking in spite of having a knee problem. The session was interesting; he also demonstrated the diverse styles of greeting in different countries. He left the students with two slogans to the volunteers, first was “I am the best! I am the Champion!” and the second was “I can do anything and everything through him who strengthens me!”

Day 3:16/11/2018

On the 3rd day of the camp a survey of the village population was conducted by visiting every house to inquire and to educate the villagers about waste segregation, reducing the use of plastic and the problems of open defecation.

In the evening a session was conducted on the topic “I can do it” by Mr. Vishwanath Swar, Teacher at MES HSS. It was an interactive session wherein the resource person conducted activities like role play, meditation and some games. He also motivated the students to do things outside their comfort zone. In the end he shared his experience as a student and the point of change in this life.

Day 4:17/11/2018

On the 4th day of the camp the students cleaned the Dining hall and the Function hall of the temple in the morning. Later on the students were sent to the village to invite the ladies from the village to attend a session on personal hygiene and cervical cancer which was scheduled at 5:30 in the evening for that day.

In the evening two sessions were conducted for the students. The first session was on “Mobile etiquette”. The resource person was Mr. John Silveira, a certified international trainer and currently on deputation at Directorate of Education. The resource person shared the Do’s and Don’ts while using mobile phones. He made the session attractive by playing some videos and sharing the awkward moments of his life with the students. He concluded the session with a request asking the students to use the phone only when required and being more social through physical touch and not through electronic gadgets.

The second session was on “Personal Hygiene and Cervical Cancer” which was delivered by Dr. Suparna R. Borkar, Gynecologist and owner of Noble Hospital, Borda – Margao. The session was organized in partnership with Mrs. Nanda Kare, Secretary of Mahila Mandal, Margao and Mrs. Ranjita Pai, Treasurer of Mahila Mandal. This session was for the girl volunteers and some of the locals also attended the session. In this session the doctor advised the ladies to do regular checkups for breast cancer and cervical cancer. She also demonstrated the way for breast examination. In the end free samples of v-wash were distributed among the audience.

Day 5:18/11/2018

On 18th November the students cleaned the campus and the temple halls and also sorted and folded the sarees received by the temple. Later in the evening the students were taken for a hike to Chandreshwar Bhootnath temple. The students enthusiastically participated in the trek.

Day 6:19/11/2018

On 19th November 2018, the students cleaned the campus and the village area in the morning. Later in the evening a session was conducted on the topic “Personality Development”. The resource person for this session was Mr. Kunal Borkar. The resource person began with the session with a physical exercise. He also conducted various team games for the students and also made the students understand their strengths and weaknesses. In the end he shared his own story as to how he became a confident speaker. The students had campfire on the same night where Mr. Ajinkya Kurtadkar, sports director of SDCCE, had divided the students into teams and told them to act as tribal people from the jungles.

Day 7:20/11/2018

On 20th November 2018, the camp was concluded with a formal valedictory function. The chief guest for the closing ceremony was Dr. Sanjay Sawant Dessai, Principal of CES College, Cuncolim and Ex Vice-Principal of this College. The NSS in charge Dr. Vishal Chari welcomed the chief guest and briefed him about all the activities conducted throughout the camp and requested the chief guest to share his valuable experience with the students. The chief guest then took over the session and shared his experience as a NSS and NCC in charge and also highlighted the importance of organizing and attending such camps. He also asked the students about their experiences at the camp and what new things they learnt attending the camp. The programme ended with vote of thanks by a student.

Apart from all the activities above, the students were regularly taken for morning walks, prayers were also held in the morning and some physical exercise. The students were organized into different committees on a daily basis and had to perform the various tasks allotted to them.
