National Youth Day

On the occasion of National Youth Day, observed on 12th January 2020, the Department of Economics and Banking organized a series of activities on 13th January, 2020 on the theme “Disconnect to Connect” from 10.15 a.m.-12.15 p.m. The objective of the Program was to convey to the students the importance of being disconnected from the world of Internet so as to connect to the real world. Dr. Lira Gama, Head of the Department, Associate Professor in Economics, introduced the speakers to the audience and spoke about the significance of the theme.
The program began with a session by Ms. Amba Prabhu, Counselor. She spoke about the importance of knowing an individual’s emotional state of mind. Subsequently she conducted an activity ‘Unmasking the True You’ with the help of ‘Beck’s Depression Inventory’ test which evaluates the severity of depression in normal and psychiatric population. At the end of the test she informed the students the relevance of their score with their emotional health.
The second activity was writing a slogan on the theme ‘Disconnect to Connect’ in which all the students participated. The following teams were declared winners:
1. Steffi Biyogi & Ashwini Parab, SY B.Com D
2. Tejaswini Hurke Gowda & Karishma Purohit, SY B.Com C
3. Manjusha Manjrekar and Poonam Shakya, SY B.Com D
The third session was conducted by Mr. Sudhakar Naik, Former Director of Sports and Physical Education of the College. He delivered a brief talk on meditation and breathing techniques. He also stressed on the importance of exercise and eating healthy food for physical fitness. This was followed by Pranayama wherein he taught students effective breathing techniques to ensure that they breathe in more oxygen.
A total of 97 students attended the session. Ms. Stesa Pereira, Assistant Professor in Economics proposed the Vote of Thanks.
