Assistant Professor Ms. Stesa Elsie Pereira was the compere for the Webinar. Principal Dr. Prita D. Mallya welcomed the virtual gathering and gave a brief overview of the Webinar. Assistant Professor Ms. Ashwini Devari introduced the Resource Person Dr. Pradip Sarmokadam.
The Resource Person started his talk by focusing on the state of Goa and its rich repositories of biological diversity. He also addressed the causes of biodiversity loss in the State of Goa and highlighted the measures every individual can take to avoid further losses. The levels of biodiversity were explained along with the agricultural and forest biodiversity that we have. He also emphasized on the value of biodiversity and its dependency on cultural, economic and environmental well-being.
Dr. Sarmokadam also shared information about the People’s Biodiversity Register (PBR), its purpose and benefits. The Resource Person then addressed the questions of the participants. The Webinar ended with Assistant Professor Ms. Ashwini Devari proposing the vote of thanks. The participants were asked to fill the feedback form, after which they promptly received e-certificates.