At the outset, Dr. Rodney D’Silva, Vice Principal of the College welcomed the resource person followed by the introduction of the resource person by Mr. Shawn Menezes from TY BBA(FS).
Mr. Hemant Palivela commenced the webinar with a brief introduction on Artificial Intelligence. followed by an elaborate explanation on leveraging of wholesale banking by use of predictive banking with AI, key challenges of predictive analysis in banking, and the effectiveness of automated machine learning in supplementing the efficiency of predictive banking. He also stressed upon the importance of case analysis in predictive banking, the significance and need of predictive banking, especially in the context of turbulence. Mr. Palivela also spoke about retention and credit scoring, fraud prevention and loan approval with the help of predictive banking.
Mr. Palivela was assisted by his apprentice Mr. Chahat Tandon.
Mr. Hemant Palivela concluded the webinar with the statement that predictive banking is certainly the most prominent digital transformation that has revolutionized the Indian banking sector. The webinar ended with a question and answer session.
Overall, the national webinar was very interactive, interesting and successful; the participants provided very positive and motivating feedback for the same.
131 participants attended the webinar (65 participants on Google Meet Platform & 66 participants on College YouTube Channel). The national webinar ended at 01:00 p.m. with a vote of thanks delivered by Ms. Sanchia Patricia Dacosta from FYBBA(FS) – B. Ms. Lizia V. Gomes, Assistant Professor in Commerce compered and coordinated the session.