NAAC : Peer Team Visit

VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics underwent the 4th Cycle of accreditation. The Self Study Report (SSR) was submitted to NAAC on 21st April, 2021. Peer Team Visit was fixed on 25th and 26th November, 2021.

Team comprising of following members visited the College for the Assessment.

  1. Prof Murlidhar Chandekar, Vice Chancellor, Amravati Maharashtra- Chairperson
  2. Venkata Krishna Parimala, Department of Computer Science, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh-Member Coordinator
  3. Prof Indrila Guha- Principal, Basanti Debi College, Kolkata- Member.

The team members arrived in Goa on 24th November. They were received at the airport by our faculty members. Later they were escorted to the Hotel Nanutel, by the Principal, Prof Prita Mallya, IQAC Coordinator, Dr Shami Pai, and NAAC Coordinator, Dr Rodney D’Silva.  After a discussion, the tentative schedule of the visit was discussed and finalized. The team members were kind enough to accept the schedule prepared by the College representatives.

DAY 1- 25th November, 2021.

The team members reached the College campus at 9 am. The Guard of Honour by the NCC -Army and Navy Cadets welcomed the team to the College campus. Later they were given a traditional welcome by our faculty members.

After the welcome ceremony, the team members were seated in the Meeting Room. The presentations started at around 9.45 am with the Principal’s comprehensive presentation representing the entire college, criteria wise. During the presentation, the team members sought required clarifications from her.  This was followed by IQAC presentation by the IQAC Coordinator, Dr Shami Pai, She presented the quality initiatives taken by the College during the assessment period, the role of IQAC, and the recommendations made during the previous visit and the action taken. Next,  Dr Edwin Baretto, B.Com Programme Coordinator presented the overview of the entire Programme – activities done, faculty profiles, etc. The last presentation was by Ms Sweta Alve, on the Computer Science Department. All the presentations were followed by a discussion. The team decided not to continue with the remaining presentations. These were checked by the team members on their own while preparing the report.

As per the schedule, the NAAC Coordinator, Dr Rodney D’Silva escorted the team for a campus tour. Starting with the library, the team visited the Classrooms, Laboratories, Canteen, Incubation Centre, Sports Room, Multipurpose Hall, Gymnasium, Composting Bin, Butterfly Garden. All the facilities were checked very carefully. Various queries were raised and clarifications sought. After the campus tour, the team had a meeting with the Board of Management along with the invitees viz. The Vice Chancellor, the Registrar, CDC Chairperson, Director of Higher Education, Principals of the Sister Institutions. The interaction took place for almost 30 minutes. Later, they proceeded for lunch.

Post lunch session – the team had interactions with various stakeholders in the Smart Classroom. Starting with the current students, the team interacted with the Alumni, then the parents, then the teaching staff and finally the non teaching staff of the College. These interactions were held in a closed room in a confidential manner. The stakeholders were asked about various merits and demerits as well as the future prospects of the College.

After the interaction, the team was taken to the GD Hall for the Cultural Programme performed by the students of the College. Their performance showcased Goan Culture which included group dances such as the Kurudin, Kunbi, Fugadi and group song, the Goan Mando. The team as well as the faculty members enjoyed the Cultural Programme.

After the Cultural Programme, the team visited the Record Room for documentation checking. The team verified all the documents in detail and asked various questions which were successfully answered by the faculty in charge for each criterion.

The team returned to the hotel where they met the IQAC Coordinator and the Principal to decide the course of action for day two of the visit.

DAY 2- 26th November, 2021.

The next day, the team called the Principal and the IQAC Coordinator to the hotel at 11:00am. The Peer Team Report was show to them by the team. After going through it, changes were suggested, which were accepted by the team. After completing all the required formalities. The Team and the faculty members along with the Principal and the IQAC Coordinator reached the College campus at 1.30pm. After the lunch, the Team began with the Exit Meeting in the GD Hall. At the meeting the Peer Team Report was presented to the Principal.

Lastly, the Principal, Prof Prita Mallya proposed the Vote of Thanks. The programme ended with the National Anthem.
