Men and Women Inter-Collegiate Badminton Championship

The Inter-Collegiate Badminton Championship (Men & Women) of Goa University was held at Campal Panjim from 17th to 20th July 2018. More than 40 college teams took part in this tournament. After winning all the preliminary matches against different colleges, Shree Damodar College reached the semifinals. In the semifinal match, Shree Damodar College played with Goa Engineering College Farmaguadi in the men’s section and St. Xavier’s College in Women’s Section and won the matches 3-0 and 2-1 respectively. The final match was held on 20th July 2018 against Don Bosco College, Panjim in men’s section and V.M Salgaonkar College in women’s section. Our teams won the titles with a score of 3-0 and 2-0 respectively. Mr. Ajinkya Kudtarkar, College Director of Physical Education & Sports was manager for this tournament, assisted by Mr. Mano Shelko. Dr. Prita D. Mallya Principal, and Mr. Vikram Verlekar Chairman VVM’s Sports Governing Council, congratulated the two captains, Mr. Tejan Fallary and Ms. Emilia Silveira, all the team players and the Manager for their outstanding achievement.

Champion team Players of Shree Damodar College are

       Men’s                                                                             Women’s

1)Tejan Fallary ( C)                                                             1) Emilia Silveira ( C)

2)Kiefer Jacques                                                                 2) Racheal Raposa

3)Sahil Kuttan                                                                      3) Nikita Vernekar

4)Yash Kunkalienkar                                                           4) Tanisha Karshetty

5)Pranav Bhandarkar

6)Shubham Salunke
