“Managerial Skills for thriving businesses”

The Department of Management organized a Guest lecture on October 25th on the topic “Managerial Skills for thriving businesses” for the FY BBA(FS) and BBA students as a part of the course, “Fundamentals of Management”. The Resource Person for the session was Mr. Krishna Shetty, General Manager, Hotel Flora Grand. Ms. Fenisa Dias, student of FY BBA(FS) introduced the Resource Person. 65 students attended.

The Resource Person commenced the session by performing an activity to make students understand that a manager should be able to adjust in any situation and learn to improve. He emphasized the importance of not comparing ourselves with others. The speaker explained why there is need to have a role model in our life.  He conducted an interactive activity to make students understand the need to know their subordinates, understand them and their perspectives and goals. He also explained the interpersonal skills required to build a successful relationship, how to effectively deal with the people, and maintain professional boundaries. Another group activity was demonstrated to explain the significance of conveying the message effectively. At the end of the session, the Resource Person shared a few stress management techniques with the students.

Finally, Mr. Shetty addressed the queries raised by students. The session ended with a Vote of Thanks proposed by Ms. Mahek Shaikh, a student of FY BBA(FS). The teachers in charge for the session were Asst. Prof. Vinaya Kirloskar and Asst. Prof. Omkar Pawaskar.
