M.Com Study Tour

The M.Com Department organized a study tour to Mumbai for the M.Com students. 31 students from Part I and Part II and 3 Faculty members of the department went on the study tour from 19th to 22nd February 2019. The schedule of the tour was as follows:

  1. A talk by Mr. Purv Shah, Freelance Financial Market Trainer & Content Developer held at Don Bosco School Campus, Matunga.
  2. Visit to RBI Monetary Museum, Kala Ghoda, Fort
  3. A session by Mr. Marlon Correia, Assistant Manager at National Securities Depository Ltd. Lower Parel at NSDL premises
  4. A session by Mr. Mehul Mehta Assistant Manager at National Securities Depository Ltd. Lower Parel at NSDL Premises.
  5. A session by Dr. Aditya Srinivasan, Chief Operating Officer & Chief Economist at Bombay Stock Exchange Brokers Forum, Head International Business Division at Bombay Stock Exchange.
  6. A session by Mr. Purv Shah, Freelance Financial Market Trainer & Content Developer, held at Bombay Stock Exchange.


Date: 20thFeb –  A talk by Mr.Purv Shah, (Freelance Financial Market Trainer & Content Developer)

In the morning on the first day of the tour at Mumbai, Mr. Purv Shah delivered a talk to the students at Don Bosco school campus on the overview of the stock market and the history of Bombay Stock Exchange. He talked on reasons why there are so many banks near the Bombay Stock Exchange and reasons for presence of other important institution nearby. Due to the absence of proper communication network such as internet or telephone in the olden days, banks were located close so that they could be easily approached when required. He discussedabout online trading and its advantages. The session was very interactive and provided students with relevant information on the practical aspects of functioning of the Bombay Stock Exchange.

Date – 20th Feb – Visit to RBI Monetary Museum

The students and the faculty, after the talk by Mr. Purv Shah visited the RBI Monetary Museum situated at Kala Ghoda, Fort. At the beginning of the visit, a video featuring the evolution of currency was shown to the students. After watching the video, students entered the museum and got the opportunity to see the different types of coins and currencies from around the world displayed in the shelves and on the walls coupled with the valuable information about different currencies covering the era of their circulation and history.


21st Feb – NSDL – Talk on Introduction to Security Market and & National Academic Depository by Mr. Marlon Correia (NSDL) and Mr. Mehul Mehta

Mr. Marlon Correia gave detailed information about mutual funds covering the different types of rating for debt securities such as AAA, AA etc., Asset Under Management, SEBI registered Asset Management Companies. He spoke on the importance of checking and having proper knowledge before investing. He also briefed on how to build a portfolio in which he mentioned to visit the website e-learn markets and to learn to start to build a portfolio. He informed thatPension Fund is regulated by Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) and capital markets are regulated by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).

He gave an insight on the role of NSDL in safekeeping ofsecurities in dematerialized form and the record to be maintained by the Depository. NSDL is one of the largest depositories in the world and operates with the help of multiple Depository Participants. He provided the students withinformation on the documents required to open the Demat account and why students should open it. Mr. Marlon ended the session with a note saying that ‘An investment in knowledge pays the best interest’.

The next session was conducted by Mr. Mehul Mehta. He providedinformation on Academic Depository Services, he said that NSDL has 90% of market share and the restis held by Central Depository Services Ltd. He requestedstudents to register on National Academic Depository(NAD) wherein they can convert academic certificates and applications in electronic form and access it from anywhere at any point of the time thereby eliminating all the problems such as loss, forgery of the paper certificates. Another advantage is that the documents are digital and remain very secure.

21st Feb – Visit to BSE and a session by Mr. Aditya Srinivas (Chief Operating Officer & Chief Economist at Bombay Stock Exchange Brokers Forum, and Head International Business Division)

Mr. Aditya has been working at BSE since last 08 years. He shared a factthat the old name of BSE was Native Shares and Stock Brokers Association. He informed that there are all together 1392 main brokers in BSE, 70,000 sub brokers and the membership fee for brokers is Rs.25 lakhs. There are stocks of over 5300 companies listed in BSE. The top 30 largest companies with respect to market capitalization constitutes the SENSEX which is the market index of BSE. He briefed the students about various investment avenues such as mutual funds, shares, Debt securities and focused on SIP in mutual funds in which he showed how SIP works and what earnings investors can earn after certain years.

Date: 21st Feb – A talk by Mr. Purv Shah, (Freelance Financial Market Trainer & Content Developer) at the Bombay Stock Exchange. The resource person, Mr. Purv Shah started the talk with a quote ‘Learn to earn’. As the session progressed, he focused on the various aspects ofderivative markets.  Derivative itself is a contract between two or more parties, and its price is  determined by fluctuations in the underlying asset. He told the students that before investing in any security, everyone must identify their investment objectives and invest accordingly. Later on he also spoke on the effects of volatility of prices and ways to manage the risk. He highlighted different types of analysis such as technical and fundamental which the investor must conduct before investing. He explained that ‘Derivatives is a contract to buy and sell specific assets at some time in future but at the price decided in advance.’ Since the value is derived from some other underlying asset, it is termed as Derivative. The session ended with some information on hedging and speculation.

On the first day of the tour few sightseeing places were explored during the leisure time in the evening. Students visited the Gateway of India which is at walkable distance from RBI Monetary Museum and also did some shopping at Fashion Street at Marine Lines.

On the second day, after concluding all the educational visits at different organizations, students visited the Phoenix Mall situated at Kurla and after the shopping, commenced with the return journey to Goa at around 9.00 pm in the night and arrived at KTC Margao bus stand at 3.00 pm on 22nd February 2019. The tour concluded with sweet memories.
