M.Com Debate Competition

Debate is a great device for engaging students and bringing life to the classroom. With this in mind, the M.Com Department organized a Debate Competition on 14th August 2019 at 1:30 p.m. in the M.Com Classroom. The topic chosen for the debate was ‘Revocation of Article 370: Decision towards Harmony or Chaos’.

The objectives of the activity were:

To give students the opportunity to develop their critical thinking and their academic research skills for data collection w.r.t. to the topic of the debate

To instill among students sportsmanship spirit and team spirit by channelizing their efforts in a constructive manner

To develop students’ communication skills and ability to see the merits and demerits of a concept, an idea or a complex issue and appreciate both sides of a controversial issue, thereby by identifying possible solutions in an amicable and creative manner.

Students for the motion were Ms. Melita De Souza, Mr. Asif Shaikh, Ms. Sangeeta Kharat, Ms. Tahreen N Shaikh, Ms. Stacy Pereira and Ms. Mamta Jain. Students against the motion were Mr. Yogesh Yadav, Ms. Alaska Gomes, Ms. Mruga Naik, Ms. Elaine Maria Sequeira, Ms. Wilma Dias and Mr. Ester Fernandes. The moderator for the Debate session was Asst. Prof. Melba J Fernandes. The Debate Competition was judged by Mr. Shrey Kulkarni, Income Tax Auditor at N.D. Hegde& Associates, Margao and Ms. Pooja Telaunekar, Accounts Executive, Revankar Constructions, both of who are also alumni of the College.

The Competition began with Ms. Asmita Korgaonker welcoming the students for the Debate. She briefed the students on the history of Kashmir and Article 370. She later handed over the proceedings to Asst. Prof. Melba J. Fernandes who commenced with the Debate. She explained the Rules and Regulations to the students along with their time constraints. The Debate began with each participant introducing himself/herself. As the Debate progressed, there were views and counter views. Each team member tried to justify why the Revocation of Article 370 was in the interest of the nation or against the interest of the nation. The participants justified their stand on the matter with facts and figures from collected from various secondary sources.
