Live Session on ‘Orientation on Mentoring’ for students

The Students Welfare Cell organised ‘Orientation on Mentoring’ for the students of FYBBA and FYB.Com on 23rd October 2021.  Ms. Amba Prabhu, the College Counsellor was the Resource Person for the session.

The Counsellor introduced the mentor-mentee relationship to the students, informed them that they can approach the mentor as an when they need, to share their academic or non-academic problems, and also highlighted that the students should maintain a good rapport with the mentors. She also suggested that the students have to communicate their strengths, weakness, goals and ambitions so as to help the mentors to channelize their talents and capabilities.

The session was attended by 105 students. The teachers incharge of the session were: Ms. Poorva Gude and Ms. Rachael Goes.
