Lit Quest 2020

Lit Quest is an annual event organised by the Literary Club of the College. The main aim of this competition is to develop amongst students, appreciation for Language and literature. In the process they also gain confidence and the ability to communicate effectively. This year Lit Quest comprising four inter-class activities was organised on 16th and 17th January 2020 from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Day One – 16/01/2020

Day One was the Spelling Bee competition. A total of twelve students participated in this competition, the objective of the activity was to develop spelling skill, expand students’ vocabulary and enhance their language skills.

The winner of the competition was Ms. Senalda Lopes from FY B.Com.

Day Two – 17/01/2020

On the second day, three competitions namely One Act Play, Guess What!!! (a word game) and a Short Story Writing competition were organised.

Two teams (eight in each) participated in the One Act Play. The judges for this competition were Dr. Madanant Naik and Dr. Maithili Naik. The winners for the one act play were Mr. Rajesh Mayekar & his group from FY B.Com.

The Short Story writing competition was organised to recognize students’ skills in creative writing and expression. 4 students submitted their stories, which were judged by Ms. Subhaangi Thakur. The first prize was bagged by Ms. Gayatri D.Samant, from M.Com Part I, second place was secured by Ms. Maria Elaine Sequeira from FY B.Com .

The last activity was Guess what!!!! (a word game), in which 32 students participated in pairs. The first prize was won by Ms. Senalda Lopes and Mr. Amaan Makandar, the second place was won by Ms. Apurva Naik and Ms. Amanda Fernandes and the third place was won by Ms. Resha Hodowdekar and Ms. Uttara Faldessai.

The feedback received from the students was very satisfying, as they said that the competitions gave them a fun-filled learning experience.
