Career and Placement cell organized a training programme on life skills for Third Year Students of B.Com, BCA, BBA(FS) and M.Com. The sessions were conducted by Certified Trainer Mrs. Caroline Stewart Silva.

Mrs. Caroline Silva conducted six sessions of 2 hours each on life skills training on the following topics.

Session 1 was on Emotional Intelligence and Anger management, Session 2 on Time & Pressure Management, Session 3 was on Self Motivation, Session 4 on Building Strong Personalities, Self Esteem & Confidence Building and Importance of Leisure Activities, Session 5 was on Enthusiasm & Attitude the Big R- Respect and session 6 was on Taking ownership & responsibility and leadership skills.

A Total of 80 students grouped into two batches attended the training session. Batch1 students of TYBCA & M.Com attended the training programme from 5th to 12th December 2016 and Batch2 students of TYBBA & TYB.Com attended the training programme from 6th to 12th January 2017.

Overall, the entire module was informative, interactive and enthusiastically received by the students. We are thankful to the resource person Mrs. Caroline Stewart Silva for organizing the training programme and for the smooth conduct of the sessions.
