Life Skills Session on “Etiquettes For Life”

The Life Skills Committee organised an Online Life Skills Session as a part of 30 Hours 21st Century Life Skills Certificate Course for the First Year BBA(Financial Services) Students on 27th October 2021 from 12:15 p.m. to 01:15 p.m. using the Google Meet platform. The topic of the session was “Etiquette for Life’’. The main objective of the session was to familiarize the students with different types of Business Etiquettes and explain the importance of Etiquettes.

The Resource Person for the session was Ms. Caroline Stewart Silva, Professional Life Coach. Assistant Professor Racheal Goes welcomed the Speaker and Ms. Nylisha Cruz, student from FY BBA(FS)- B introduced her.

Ms. Caroline Stewart Silva commenced the session with a brief overview on Etiquettes and it’s importance. She further explained various corporate etiquettes such as appropriate business introductions, proper handshakes, business card etiquette, corporate dressing etiquette, dining etiquette, business meeting etiquette and email etiquette. She also narrated some examples of good and bad etiquettes. Ms. Caroline Stewart Silva concluded the session by addressing the queries and appreciating the active participation of the students.

59 students attended the session. The session ended at 01:15 p.m. with a Vote of Thanks delivered by Ms. Trishia D’Mello from FY BBA – B. The session was compered and coordinated by Asst. Prof. Racheal Goes. Overall, the session was interesting and interactive.
