Library Session for Staff Members

The Library Committee organized a Library session for all staff members on December 4, 2019, on “How to use e-resources: NDLI, N-List and” The purpose of the session was to orient readers on the use of e-resources made available to them by the College. An official 10 minutes video of NDLI prepared by IIT- Karagpur,was screened. A PPT on N-List and was also shown to the staff members. Later on, all the readers were shown how to actually work on these e-resources. Details about their logins were also shared.

N-List: Downloading the full text articles from various sources like JSTOR, EPW, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, H. W. Wilson were shown. Downloading of e-Books PDF of Cambridge Books Online, E-brary, Sage Publication ebooks, Taylor Francis ebooks, World ebooks Library were also shown. Sorting and segregation of e-journals and e-books were shown. Staff were shown

  • all the 32 sectors of the statistical database
  • how to download the data tables under each sector
  • how to search for State-wise data

The Librarian addressed Staff members’ doubts and queries.

45 Staff members (faculty members and non-teaching staff) attended the session.
