

The College has a large, well-stocked library, having a balanced collection of books in Commerce, Management, Economics, Finance, Accountancy, Mathematics, Computers, English, Environment, , Sports and other topics. The library has approximately 34,000+ books, 32 Magazines, 26 journals, , 03 E-resources, 05 National and 10 Local Daily Newspapers. The Reference Section of the library has valuable Encyclopedias, Handbooks, Subject Dictionaries, etc. The library is enriched every year by adding new books and e-resources. Library has been automated by using network based NewGenLib Software version 3.2. The entire book collection has been barcoded. The Library has registered NDLI Club @ Damodar and Readers’ Club. All the activities of the Library are conducted through these clubs. The Library has also implemented QR Codes for 10 Library applications viz.

  1. Books to Read @ SDCCE Library
  2. New Arrival of Books @ SDCCE Library
  3. Question Papers @ SDCCE Library
  4. NDLI Club @ Damodar
  5. Digital Library @ SDCCE
  6. Subject Gateways @ SDCCE Library
  7. Knowledge Portal @ SDCCE Library
  8. Media Coverage @ SDCCE Library
  9. Syllabus @ SDCCE Library
  10. Published papers @ SDCCE Library

Working Hours

Section Time Day
CIRCULATION SECTION 8.00am. to 4.45 pm. Mon to Sat.
REFERENCE SECTION 8.00am. to 4.45 pm Mon to Sat.
PERIODICAL SECTION 8.00am. to 4.45pm. Mon to Sat.


  • Guiding the College Librarian in formulating general Library rules and regulations
  • Making recommendations for updating the Library collection.
  • Making recommendations for the modernization and improvement of Library and documentation Services.
  • Making recommendations for making the Library inclusive, by including materials for members with disabilities
  • Reviewing use of the Library resources by faculty members and adopting measures to enhance readership
  • Review and approval of the annual budget proposed by the College Librarian
  • Approving the annual report on the functioning of the Library
  • Approving the annual physical stock verification report submitted by the College Librarian
  • Approving proposals received from the Librarian for purchase and disposal of physical assets for the Library & Reading Room
  • Seeking feedback on the functioning of the Library from readers
  • Taking measures to increase the membership of the Library beyond the boundaries of the College.

Committee Members

Ms. Manasi D. Rege
Dr Edwin Barreto (Vice-Principal)
Dr. Shami Pai (Vice Principal- Admin)
Dr. Lina Sadekar (IQAC Coordinator)
Dr. Lira Menezes Gama (HOD Economics)
Dr. Anjali Sajilal (PC, BCom)
Mr. Sumit Kumar (HOD Computer Science)
Ms. Snehal Alve (Coordinator, BBA(FS))
Dr. Sonya Angle (Coordinator,BBA)
Ms. Twinkle Fernandes (Coordinator, PG Dept of Commerce)
Ms. Divyanka Kanekar (N-T staff)


Sr. No. Title of paper Name of the author/s


1 Contribution of Foreign Returnees towards the Generation of Economic Activity in Select Areas in Goa. Roy Gomes &B.P. Sarath Chandran
2 Employability Skills in Commerce Education : A Review Dr. Shami R. Pai
3 A study on consumer preferences towards select FMCG goods Averyl Pires
4 Managerial Decision-Making Process in CSR: Employee Volunteering Kirti Tyagi & Prita D. Mallya
5 Consumers’ Perception towards Horticulture Kiosks in the Vicinity of Margao Ms. Lizette D’Costa
6 Role of Women Education in Determining Birth Rates Ms. Rohita Deshprabhu Kamat and Ms. Lizette D’Costa
7 Impact  of bank frauds on shareholder’s wealth-A case study on Punjab National bank Saylee Kunkolienkar, Maithili Naik, Raashi Panvelkar
8 India BIMSTEC economic cooperation: Potential and prospects B.P. Sarath Chandran
9 A Review of Theories in Knowledge Dissemination Vivek Rodrigues & Prita D. Mallya
10 Digitalization in Higher Education: The Need of the Hour Sheetal D. Arondekar
11 Demonetisation: A Push towards Cashless Economy Brahma Edwin Barreto, Rodney D’Silva & Ainsley Bernard
12 A Study on the Share price movements of Dabur India Ltd.- Pre and Post Merger  Ainsley Bernard, Dr. Brahma Edwin Barreto,Dr. Rodney D’Silva &
13 Impact of Currency Fluctuation on Stock Market Indices Ainsley Bernard , Dr. Brahma Edwin Barreto, Dr. Rodney D’Silva
14 Green HRM and Sustainability Practices in Indian Companies Ainsley Bernard, Dr. Rodney D’Silva, Dr. Brahma Edwin Barreto
15 Consumer Preference and perception towards Patanjali Products in Goa Brahma Edwin Barreto & Ainsley Bernard
16 Investors Perception towards Capital Market in the State of Goa  Ainsley Granville Andre Jorge BernardAssistant Professor, Sanju Dharamchand Pareek, Mayuresh Shivdas Naik, Kanishkadatt Vithal Naik, Kartik Sandeep Hattangadi, Shraddha Vijayakant Gurav, Vidisha Abhay Khandekar
17 Impact of Frauds on the Indian Banking Sector Ainsley Bernard, Edwin Barreto & Rodney D’Silva
18 Performance of the Indian Banking Sector- An Empirical Examination Ainsley Bernard, Edwin Barreto & Rodney D’Silva
19 Impact of elections on Shareholder value creation in Indian Markets B. Ramesh, Ainsley Granville Andre Jorge Bernard


Sr. No. Title of paper Name of the author/s


1 Role of Incubation Centres in promoting Entrepreneurship: Case Studies in Goa Dr. Shami R. Pai
2 Price Discovery and Volatility Spillover in Metal Commodity Market in India Brahma Edwin Barreto , B. Ramesh
3 “Customer Satisfaction towards Services of Electricity Department- A Case Study of Goa” Ms. Marjina Shaikh
4 A review of dimensions of tourism transport affecting tourist satisfaction. Virkar, A. R., & Mallya, P. D.
5 A Conceptual Paper on the Dimensions of the Road Transport System that Influence Tourist Satisfaction Virkar, A. R., & Mallya, P. D.
6 An Analysis of the Factors Influencing Tourist Satisfaction with Public Transport in Goa. Virkar, A. R., & Mallya, P. D.
7 Employee engagement – a wakeup call for Indian Companies-AJANTA peer Reviewed Referred and UGC Listed Journal Lina R. Sadekar
8 Role of SHG Towards Self Employment and Development of Entrepreneurship Skill Mr.Madanant Jana Naik , Dr.Anthony Rodrigues
9 On Existence, Uniqueness and Continuation of solution of first order neutral differential equation with piecewise constant argument., Mamta Kumari, & Valaulikar, Y.S.
10 Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability for first order neutral delay differential equation. Mamta Kumari, & Valaulikar, Y.S.
11 On Chaplygins Method for first order neutral differential equation Mamta Kumari, & Valaulikar, Y.S.
12 India in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)-Need for Caution, B.P. Sarath Chandran
13 India’s Sub Regional Economic Integration in Asia – An Analysis, B.P. Sarath Chandran
14 Regional Integration and Foreign Direct Investment into ASEAN-5 Countries – A Gravity Model Analysis, B.P. Sarath Chandran
15 A study of Goan Entrepreneurs in select areas of Salcete taluka Averyl Pires
16 Startup India – Empowering Growth Dr Rodney D’Silva & Brahma Edwin Barreto
17 Islamic Banking Dr. Rodney D’Silva & Dr. Edwin Barreto,  
18 Stock Market Volatility Before and After Implementatioon of VIX in India Maithili S. Naik, Reddy,Y.V.
19 Conceptual framework of Panchayat Raj in Goa Preksha Chopdekar, Dr. Sanjay Sawant Dessai
20 A study of the dynamic relationship between Gold Prices and Exchange Rates Ainsley Granville Andre Jorge Bernard,Dr. Brahma Edwin Barreto, Dr. Rodney D’Silva
21 Performance Analysis of Goa Electricity Department Mrs. Reshamkaur Bhambra, Dr. Sanjay Dessai
22 Impacts of Macroeconomic and IPO Factors on Under-pricing of Initial Public Offerrings on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) in India Kedar Phadke, Dr. Manoj Kamat
23 Primary education in Gos : A Statistical Perspective Ms. Clere De Souza,  Dr. Sanjay Dessai
24 Purse-Seine Fishing in Goa – A Cost Benefit Analysis Sanchiliana Faria , Dr. Manoj Kamat
25 Conceptual framework of Public Healthcare in Goa Frazer Taylor, Dr. Sanjay Dessai
26 In Search of a Contemporary Model for Shareholder Value creation in Indian Markets : A Conceptual Review B. Ramesh, Ainsley Granville Andre George Bernard
27 Managerial Decision Making Process in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in a Developing Country Context Kirti Tyagi, Dr. Prita D. Mallya


Sr. No. Title of paper Name of the author/s


1 A Study of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of Local Public Transport Sector of Goa Mrs. Anjali Sajilal, Ms. Ulpa Waingankar
2 A Study on the Socio-economic Impact of Mining Ban on the Households in Goa’s Mining Belt Dr. Sheetal D. Arondekar, Dr. I. BhanuMurthy
3 A Socio-economic Analysis of Mining vs. Non-Mining Villages within same talukas in Goa(pg. no. 20-25) Sheetal D. Arondekar, Dr. I. BhanuMurthy
4 Awareness, Perceived Difficulties and Economic Impact of Laadli Laxmi Scheme (LLS) In Goa, B.P. Sarath Chandran
5 Health Tourism in India – Potential and Prospects, Manju T.K. & B.P. Sarath Chandran
6 Trade Impact of The India-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (FTA): An Augmented Gravity Model Analysis, B.P. Sarath Chandran
7 Why do Countries Form Regional Trade Agreements–Insights from the Literature, B.P. Sarath Chandran
8 Financial Inclusion Among the Urban Poor in Goa – A Case study of Zuarinagar Slum Dwellers, Gouri Manerkar & B.P. Sarath Chandran
9 International Migration from Goa – An Analysis, Roy Gomes & B.P. Sarath Chandran
10 The NSEL Crisis Brahma Edwin Barreto & Dr Rodney D’Silva
11 XBRL in India- Adoption, Benefits & Implications Brahma Edwin Barreto & Dr Rodney D’Silva
12 Price Discovery and Volatility Spillover Among MCX Commodity Markets and BSE SENSEX Market Brahma Edwin Barreto & B. Ramesh
13 Linkages and Volatility Spillover Among MCX Commodity Markets and NSE NIFTY Market Brahma Edwin Barreto & B. Ramesh
14 Green Accounting and Disclosure Practices in the Indian Petroleum Sector Ainsley Bernard, Dr. Brahma Edwin Barreto, Dr. Rodney D’Silva
15 Human Resource Management Challenges in current scenario. Preksha Chopdekar
16 Price Discovery and Volatility Spillover in Agricultural Commodity Market in India Brahma Edwin Barreto & B. Ramesh
17 Price Discovery and Volatility Spillover in the Commodity Derivatives Market in India Brahma Edwin Barreto & B. Ramesh
18 Role of Government through Subsidies and Schemes for the Welfare of Fishing Community in Goa Sanchiliana Faria, Dr. Manoj Kamat
19 Credit Risk Management Analysis Framework of Indian Banks Reshma Verlekar, Dr. Manoj Kamat


Sr. No. Title of paper Name of the author/s


1 Industrial Estates Programme in Goa- An Evaluation Prof B. Ramesh, Dr I. Bhanu Murthy, Mrs Shami Pai
2 A Study of Profile of Industrial Estates in Goa Mrs. Shami Pai
3 Employee’s perception towards training and development practices in pharmaceutical companies: an exploratory study Lina R. Sadekar
4  Differential inequalities for a first order neutral differential equations. Kumari,M & Valaulikar Y.S.
5 Role of Manufacturing Sector In India’s Sustained Economic Growth – Challenges and Opportunities, B.P. Sarath Chandran and Bikash Krishna Singh
6 What type of Indian Firms Pay Dividends? Evidence across size and sign of earnings heterogenity Dr. Manoj Kamat
7 Implications of the Provisions of Companies Act 2013 on Audits, Auditors and Audit Profession Dr. Manoj Kamat, Dr. Manasvi Kamat
8 Performance of Traditional and Mechanised Fishing Sector of Goa Dr. Manoj Kamat, Sanchiliana Faria
9 An Analysis of Marine Production and Exports of Goa’s Fisheries Sector Sanchiliana Faria, Dr. Manoj Kamat
10 Effect of Organisational Climate on Psychological Well Being: A Study of Vedanta Ltd. Ms. Sonam Gondlekar, Dr. Manoj Kamat
11 Does Positive Work Climate Predict Organisational Citizenship Behaviour Ms. Sonam Gondlekar, Dr. Manoj Kamat
12 Impact of IPO Grading on Listing Returns at the National Stock Exchange (NSE) In India Mr. Kedar Mukund Phadke, Dr. Manoj Kamat
13 Quality Assurance through Academic Audit: A case study of VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics. Vaz Cinola Tanisha, Preksha Chopdekar
14 Environmental Impact of Aquaculture Farming on Goan Ecology Dr. Rodney D’Silva
15 Volatility Indices: An International Comparison Maithili S. Naik, Reddy, Y.V.
16 Commodity Derivatives Market in India: Growth, Challenges and Policy Alternatives Brahma Edwin Barreto & B. Ramesh
17 Advancement in Performance of Basel Regulatory Framework in selected Developed and Developing Nation Reshma Datta Prabhu Verlekar, Dr. Manoj Subhash Kamat
Sr. No. Title of paper Name of the author/s Link
1 FDI in Multi Brand Retail Trading- Why Not? Dr. Rodney D’Silva, Edwin Barreto
2 Working of Industrial Estates in North Goa: An Analytical Study Prof. B. Ramesh, Dr. I. Bhanu Murthy, Mrs. Shami Pai
3 Training and Development: A Comparative Study of Indian and Multinational Pharma Companies in Goa Dr. Anjana Raju, Dr. I Bhanu Murthy, Mrs. Lina R. Sadekar
4 Frog Culture- Why Not? Dr. Rodney D’Silva
5 Financial Intermediation and Stock Market Activity Growth: A Causality-Co-Integration Approach Dr. Manoj Kamat and Dr. Manasvi Kamat
7 Corporate Dividend Policy in India: Do Regulated and Unregulated Firms Behave Differently? Dr. Manoj Kamat and Dr. Manasvi Kamat
8 Ethics and Advertising Shameem Memom, Preksha Chopdekar
9 An Analysis of the Fisheries Sector of Goa for Sustainable Development Dr. Manoj Kamat, Sanchiliana Faria
10 Interfirm Performance of Goa’s Iron Ore Exports : Analysis Using Micro Level Data Dr. Manasvi Kamat, Dr. Manoj Kamat
11 Credit Risk Management Analysis Framework of Indian Banks Dr. Manoj Kamat, Reshma Prabhu Verlekar
12 Credit Risk Management in Indian Banks : An Exploratory Study Dr. Manoj Kamat, Reshma Prabhu Verlekar

Knowledge Portal

Free Online Resources

Free Online Journals

Free Online Newspaper Links of Goa


Goa Government Website Links

Virtual References OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)

Subject Gateway

Commerce Economics Management


Subject-wise Journals
Subject-wise Technical Periodicals List of Newspapers available in the library

Year 2023- 24

Commerce & Management

  1. Indian Journal of Marketing
  2. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management
  3. Siddhanth- A Journal of Decision Making
  4. AMC Journal of Entrepreneurship
  5. Vikalpa: The Journal of Decision Maker
  6. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies
  7. The IUP Journal of Accounting Research & Audit Practices
  8. The IUP Journal of Corporate Governance
  9. The IUP Journal of Entrepreneurship Development
  10. Journal of Marketing Vistas
  11. IPE Journal of Management
  12. Prajnan: Journal of Management and Social Science
  13. Metamorphosis: A Journal of Management Research
  14. AIMS: International Journal of Management
  15. The IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management
  16. IJMS8M: The Journal of Management & Strategy
  17. ICTACT  Journal on Management Studies


  1. Arthshastra: Indian Journal of Economic & Research
  2. Indian Journal of Labour Economics
  3. Indian Journal of Economics
  4. Indian Journal of Finance
  5. Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research
  6. Indian Journal of Research in Capital Markets
  7. The IUP Journal of Bank Management
  8. The Journal of Institute of Public Enterprises
  9. Journal of Economic Policy and Research
  10. Journal of International Economics
  11. Journal of Governance & Public Policy
  12. Anvesak


  1. Indian Journal of Computer Science
  2. The IUP Journal of Information Technology
  3. The IUP Journal of Computer Science
  4. ICTACT Journal of Image and Video Processing
  5. ICTACT Journal on Soft Computing

Commerce and Management

  1. Outlook Business
  2. India Forbes
  3. Fortune India
  4. Business Today
  5. The Chartered Accountant
  6. University News
  7. The Management Accountant


  1. RBI Bulletin
  2. Southern Economist
  3. The Indian Banker

Competitive Exams

  1. Competitive Success Review(English)
  2. General Knowledge Today(English)
  3. Careers360
  4. Pratiyogita Darpan ( English)


  1. Open Source for You
  2. Electronic For You
  3. PC Quest
  4. DIGIT
  5. Data Quest

General Magazines

  1. Yoga Quest
  2. Reader’s Digest
  3. India Today(English)
  4. Education World
  5. Inspiration Quote
  6. Outlook
  7. Down to Earth(English)
  8. The Teenager Today
  9. The Week


Local  (English/Marathi)

  1. The Navhind Times
  2. O Heraldo
  3. The Times of India
  4. The Goan
  5. Gomantak
  6. Navaprabha
  7. Lokmat
  8. Bhangarbhuin
  9. Pudhari
  10. Daink Herald
  11. Tarun Bharat
  12. Goan Varta


  1. Business Line
  2. The Indian Express
  3. The Economic Times
  4. The Hindu
  5. Employment News(English)


  2. N-List
  3. NDL
  4. Pearson E-Library
  5. Magzter


  1. The Economic Times Prime
  2. The Wall Street Journal& Live Mint



Year 2022- 23

Commerce & Management

  1. Indian Journal of Marketing
  2. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management
  3. Siddhanth- A Journal of Decision Making
  4. Journal of Commerce & Management Thought
  5. AMC Journal of Entrepreneurship
  6. Vikalpa: The Journal of Decision Maker
  7. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies
  8. The IUP Journal of Accounting Research & Audit Practices
  9. The IUP Journal of Corporate Governance
  10. The IUP Journal of Entrepreneurship Development
  11. Journal of Marketing Vistas
  12. IPE Journal of Management


  1. Arthshastra: Indian Journal of Economic & Research
  2. Indian Journal of Labour Economics
  3. Indian Journal of Economics
  4. Indian Journal of Finance
  5. Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research
  6. Artha Vijnana
  7. Indian Journal of Research in Capital Markets
  8. The IUP Journal of Bank Management
  9. The IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management
  10. The Journal of Institute of Public Enterprises
  11. Journal of Economic Policy and Research
  12. Journal of International Economics
  13. Journal of Governance & Public Policy


  1. International Journal of Data Mining and Emerging Technology
  2. Indian Journal of Computer Science
  3. The IUP Journal of Information Technology
  4. The IUP Journal of Computer Science

Commerce and Management

  1. Outlook Business
  2. Forbes India
  3. Fortune India
  4. Business Today
  5. The Chartered Accountant
  6. University News
  7. The Management Accountant


  1. RBI Bulletin
  2. Southern Economist
  3. The Indian Banker
  4. Seminar

Competitive Exams

  1. Competitive Success Review(English)
  2. General Knowledge Today(English)
  3. Careers360
  4. Pratiyogita Darpan ( English)


  1. Open Source for You
  2. Electronic For You
  3. PC Quest
  4. DIGIT
  5. Data Quest

General Magazines

  1. Yoga Quest
  2. Reader’s Digest
  3. India Today(English)
  4. Education World
  5. Education Challenge- Goa
  6. Inspiration Quote
  7. Outlook
  8. Down to Earth
  9. The Teenager Today
  10. The Week


Local  (English/Marathi)

  1. The Navhind Times
  2. O Heraldo
  3. The Times of India
  4. The Goan
  5. Gomantak
  6. Navaprabha
  7. Lokmat
  8. Bhangarbhuin
  9. Pudhari
  10. Daink Herald
  11. Tarun Bharat
  12. Goan Varta


  1. Business Line
  2. The Indian Express
  3. The Economic Times
  4. The Hindu
  5. Employment News(English)


  2. N-List
  3. NDL
  4. Pearson E-Library


Year 2021- 22

Commerce & Management

  1. Indian Journal Of Commerce & Management Studies
  2. Indian Journal Of marketing
  3. Prabandhan: Indian Journal Of Management
  4. JIMS8M: The Journal Of Indian Management & Strategy
  5. ICTACT Journal On Management Studies
  6. Vikalpa: The Journal Of Decision Makers
  7. The IUP Journal of Accounting Research & Audit Practices
  8. IPE  Journal of Managements
  9. Journal  of marketing Vistas
  10. Indian Journal of Research in Capital markets
  11. The IUP Journal of Corporate Governance
  12. The IUP Journal of Entrepreneurship Development


  1. Man & Development
  2. Artha Vijnana
  3. Margin: The Journal Of Applied Economic Research
  4. Indian Journal Of Economics
  5. Anvesak
  6. Journal Of International Economics
  7. Journal of Economic Policy & Research
  8. IUP Journal of Bank Management
  9. Journal of Governance & Public Policy
  10. Indian Journal Of Finance
  11. The IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management
  12. Journal of Institute of Public Enterprise


  1. ICTACT:Journal On Communication Technology
  2. Indian Journal Of Computer Science
  3. IUP Journal of Information Technology
  4. IUP Journal of Computer Science

Commerce and Management

  1. The Management Accountant
  2. Forbes India
  3. Fortune India
  4. The Chartered Accountant
  5. Business Today


  1. Seminar
  2. The Indian Banker
  3. RBI Bulletin

Competitive Exams

  1. Pratiyogita Darpan (English)
  2. General Knowledge Today (English)
  3. Competition Success Review
  4. Careers 360


  1. Digit
  2. Data Quest
  3. Open Source For You
  4. Electronic  For You
  5. PC Quest

General Magazines

  1. Out Look
  2. India Today (English)
  3. The Teenager Today
  4. Inspirational Quote
  5. The Week
  6. Down to Earth
  7. Education World
  8. Education Challenge-Goa
  9. National Geographic Magazine

Local  (English/Marathi)

  1. The Navhind Times
  2. Herald
  3. The Times Of India
  4. The Goan
  5. Gomantak
  6. Navaprabha
  7. Lokmat
  8. Bhangarbhuin
  9. Pudhari
  10. Dainik Herald
  11. Tarun bharat
  12. Goan Varta


  1. Business Line
  2. Financial Express
  3. The Indian express
  4. The Economics Times
  5. The Hindu
  6. Employment News


  2. N-LIST
  3. NDLI


Year 2019- 20

Commerce & Management

  1. Indian Journal of Finance

2. Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies

3. Journal of Art Science & Commerce

4. JIMS8M:The Journal of Indian Management & Strategy

5. Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers

6. Indian Journal of Marketing

7. Prabandhan : Indian Journal of Management

8. Asian Journal of Managerial Cases

9. Business Perspective and Research

10. Global Business Review

11. IIM Kozhikode Society and Management Review

12. Journal of Emerging Market Finance

13. Journal of Entrepreneurship

14. Indian Journal of Corporate Governance


  1. Man & Development

2. Journal of International Economics

3. Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research

4. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics

5. ArthaVijnana

6. Foreign Trade Review

7. Arthaniti: Journal of Economic Theory & Practice

8. Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies

9. IASSI Quarterly

10. Anvesak

Commerce and Management

  1. The Management Accountant
  2. Forbes India
  3. Fortune India
  4. Governance Now
  5. Indian Management
  6. The Chartered Accountant Journal
  7. Business Today


  1. Seminar
  2. The Indian Banker
  3. RBI Bulletin

Competitive Exams

  1. Pratiyogita  Darpan (English)
  2. General Knowledge Today
  3. Competition Wizard
  4. Competition Success Review
  5. Careers 360


  1. Digit
  2. Data Quest
  3. Electronic Bazaar
  4. Open Source For You
  5. Electronic For You
  6. PC Quest
  7. Express Computer

General Magazines

  1. Outlook
  2. India Today (English)
  3. The Teenager Today
  4. Time
  5. Inspirational Quote
  6. The Week
  7. Down to Earth
  8. Education World
  9. Education Challenge -Goa
  10. University News
  11. Yoga Quest

  1. Times of India
  2. The Navhind Times
  3. Herald
  4. The Goan Everyday
  5. Gomantak Times
  6. Goan Observer
  7. Gomantak (Marathi)
  8. Tarun Bharat (Marathi)
  9. Goadoot (Marathi)
  10. Lokmat (Marathi)


  1. Economic Times
  2. Indian Express
  3. Indian Financial Express
  4. Deccan Herald
  5. Employment News


  2. N-LIST
  3. NDL

Year 2018- 19

Commerce & Management

  1. Indian Journal of Finance
  2. Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies
  3. Journal of Art Science & Commerce
  4. Journal of Commerce & Management Thought
  5. JIMS8M: The Journal of Indian Management & Strategy
  6. IIMS Journal of Management Science
  7. Siddhant: A Journal of Decision Making
  8. Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers
  9. Journal of Marketing Vistas
  10. Indian Journal of Marketing
  11. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management
  12. Asian Journal of Managerial Science
  13. IPE Journal of Management
  14. The Journal of Managerial Scholars
  15. The IUP Journal of Accounting Research & Audit Practices
  16. The IUP Journal of Bank Management
  17. The IUP Journal of Corporate Governance
  18. The IUP Journal of Entrepreneurship Development
  19. The IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management


  1. Arthshastra Indian Journal of Economic & Research
  2. Indian Journal of Research in Capital Markets
  3. Man & Development
  4. Indian Journal of Economic Business
  5. Journal of International Economics
  6. Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research
  7. Journal of Economic Policy & Research
  8. The Journal of Institute of Public Enterprise
  9. Journal of Governance & Public Policy
  10. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics
  11. Indian Journal of Economics
  12. Artha Vijnana


  1. International Journal of Data Mining and Emerging Technologies
  2. Indian Journal of Computer Science
  3. The IUP Journal of Information Technology
  4. The IUP Journal of Computer Science
Commerce and Management

  1. The Management Accountant
  2. Corporate Professional Today
  3. Forbes India
  4. Fortune India
  5. Governance Now
  6. Indian Management
  7. The Chartered Accountant Journal
  8. Business Today


  1. Seminar
  2. The Indian Banker
  3. RBI Bulletin
  4. Southern Economist

Competitive Exams

  1. Pratiyogita Darpan (English)
  2. General Knowledge Today
  3. Competition Wizard
  4. Competition Success Review
  5. Careers 360


  1. Digit
  2. Data Quest
  3. Electronic Bazaar
  4. Open Source For You
  5. Electronic For You
  6. PC Quest
  7. Express Computer

 General Magazines

  1. Outlook
  2. India Today (English)
  3. Health & Nutrition
  4. The Teenager Today
  5. Femina (English)
  6. Time
  7. Inspirational Quote
  8. The Week
  9. Down to Earth
  10. Education World
  11. University News
  12. Yoga Quest



  1. Times of India
  2. The Navhind Times
  3. Herald
  4. The Goan Everyday
  5. Gomantak Times
  6. Goan Observer
  7. Gomantak (Marathi)
  8. Tarun Bharat (Marathi)
  9. Goadoot (Marathi)
  10. Navprabha
  11. Goan Varta
  12. Lokmat (Marathi)
  13. Dainik Herald (Marathi)
  14. Pudhari (Marathi


  1. The Hindu
  2. Business Line
  3. Economic Times
  4. Indian Express
  5. Indian Financial Express
  6. Deccan Herald
  7. Employment News


  2. N-LIST


Year 2017-18
Commerce & Management

  1. Indian Journal of Finance
  2. Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies
  3. Journal of Art Science & Commerce
  4. Journal of Commerce & Management Thought
  5. JIMS8M: The Journal of Indian Management & Strategy
  6. IIMS Journal of Management Science
  7. Siddhant: A Journal of Decision Making
  8. Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers
  9. Research Revolution: International Journal
  10. Journal of Marketing Vistas
  11. Indian Journal of Marketing
  12. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management
  13. Asian Journal of Managerial Science
  14. IPE Journal of Management
  15. Tatva: The Journal of Managerial Scholars
  16. The IUP Journal of Accounting Research & Audit Practices
  17. The IUP Journal of Bank Management
  18. The IUP Journal of Corporate Governance
  19. The IUP Journal of Entrepreneurship Development
  20. The IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management


  1. Arthshastra Indian Journal of Economic & Research
  2. Indian Journal of Research in Capital Markets
  3. Man & Development
  4. Indian Journal of Economic Business
  5. Journal of International Economics
  6. Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research
  7. Journal of Economic Policy & Research
  8. The Journal of Institute of Public Enterprise
  9. Journal of Governance & Public Policy
  10. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics
  11. Indian Journal of Economics
  12. Artha Vijnana


  1. International Journal of Data Mining and Emerging Technologies
  2. Indian Journal of Computer Science
  3. The IUP Journal of Information Technology
  4. The IUP Journal of Computer Science


Commerce and Management

  1. The Management Accountant
  2. Corporate Professional Today
  3. Forbes India
  4. Fortune India
  5. Governance Now
  6. Indian Management
  7. The Chartered Accountant Journal
  8. Business Today


  1. Seminar
  2. The Indian Banker
  3. RBI Bulletin
  4. Southern Economist

Competitive Exams

  1. Pratiyogita Darpan (English)
  2. General Knowledge Today
  3. Competition Wizard
  4. Competition Success Review
  5. Careers 360


  1. Digit
  2. Data Quest
  3. Electronic Bazaar
  4. Open Source For You
  5. Electronic For You
  6. PC Quest
  7. Express Computer

General Magazines

  1. Outlook
  2. India Today (English)
  3. Health & Nutrition
  4. The Teenager Today
  5. Women’s Era
  6. Femina (English)
  7. Time
  8. Inspirational Quote
  9. The Week
  10. Down to Earth
  11. Education World
  12. University News
  13. Yoga Quest



  1. Times of India
  2. The Navhind Times
  3. Herald
  4. The Goan Everyday
  5. Goan Observer
  6. Gomantak Times
  7. Gomantak (Marathi)
  8. Tarun Bharat (Marathi)
  9. Navaprabha (Marathi)
  10. Goan Varta
  11. Goadoot (Marathi)
  12. Lokmat (Marathi)
  13. Dainik Herald (Marathi)
  14. Pudhari (Marathi)


  1. The Hindu
  2. Business Line
  3. Economic Times
  4. Indian Express
  5. Indian Financial Express
  6. Deccan Herald
  7. Employment News


  2. N-LIST


Year 2016-17
Commerce & Management

  1. Indian Journal of Finance
  2. Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies
  3. Journal of Art Science & Commerce
  4. Journal of Commerce & Management Thought
  5. JIMS8M: The Journal of Indian Management & Strategy
  6. IIMS Journal of Management Science
  7. Siddhant: A Journal of Decision Making
  8. Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers
  9. Research Revolution: International Journal
  10. Journal of Marketing Vistas
  11. Indian Journal of Marketing
  12. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management
  13. Asian Journal of Managerial Science
  14. IPE Journal of Management
  15. Tatva: The Journal of Managerial Scholars


  1. Arthshastra Indian Journal of Economic & Research
  2. Indian Journal of Research in Capital Markets
  3. The Asian Economic Review
  4. Man & Development
  5. Indian Journal of Economic Business
  6. Journal of International Economics
  7. Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research
  8. Journal of Economic Policy & Research
  9. The Journal of Institute of Public Enterprise
  10. Journal of Governance & Public Policy
  11. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics
  12. Indian Economic Review
  13. Indian Journal of Economics
  14. Artha Vijnana


  1. Resonance: Journal of Science Education
  2. Ramanujan Mathematical Society


  1. International Journal of Data Mining and Emerging Technologies
  2. Indian Journal of Computer Science


 Commerce and Management

  1. The Management Accountant
  2. Corporate Professional Today
  3. Forbes India
  4. Harvard Business Review
  5. Energy Manager
  6. Fortune India
  7. Governance Now
  8. Indian Management
  9. The Chartered Accountant Journal
  10. Business Today


  1. Seminar
  2. The Indian Banker
  3. RBI Bulletin
  4. Southern Economist

Competitive Exams

  1. Pratiyogita Darpan (English)
  2. General Knowledge Today
  3. Competition Wizard
  4. Competition Success Review
  5. Careers 360


  1. Digit
  2. Data Quest
  3. Electronic Bazaar
  4. Open Source for You
  5. Electronic for You
  6. PC Quest
  7. Express Computer

 General Magazines

  1. Outlook
  2. India Today (English)
  3. Health & Nutrition
  4. The Teenager Today
  5. Women’s Era
  6. Femina (English)
  7. Time
  8. Inspirational Quote
  9. The Week
  10. Down to Earth
  11. Education World
  12. University News
  13. Yoga Quest



  1. Times of India
  2. The Navhind Times
  3. Herald
  4. The Goan Everyday
  5. Goan Observer
  6. Gomantak Times
  7. Gomantak (Marathi)
  8. Tarun Bharat (Marathi)
  9. Navaprabha (Marathi)
  10. Employment News
  11. Goa doot (Marathi)
  12. Lokmat (Marathi)
  13. Dainik Herald (Marathi)
  14. Pudhari (Marathi)


  1. The Hindu
  2. Business Line
  3. Economic Times
  4. Indian Express
  5. Indian Financial Express
  6. Deccan Herald
  7. Employment News


  2. N-LIST


Year 2015-16
Commerce & Management

  1. Indian Journal of Finance.
  2. Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies.
  3. Journal of Art Science & Commerce.
  4. Journal of Commerce & Management Thought.
  5. JIMS8M: The Journal of Indian Management & Strategy.
  6. IIMS Journal of Management Science.
  7. Siddhant: A Journal of Decision Making.
  8. Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers.
  9. Research Revolution: International Journal.
  10. Journal of Marketing Vistas.
  11. Indian Journal of Marketing.
  12. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management.
  13. Asian Journal of Managerial Science.
  14. IPE Journal of Management.


  1. Arthshastra Indian Journal of Economic & Research.
  2. Indian Journal of Research in Capital Markets.
  3. The Asian Economic Review.
  4. Man & Development.
  5. Indian Journal of Economic Business.
  6. Journal of International Economics.
  7. Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research.
  8. Journal of Economic Policy & Research.
  9. The Journal of Institute of Public Enterprise.
  10. Journal of Governance & Public Policy.


  1. Resonance: Journal of Science Education.
  2. Ramanujan Mathematical Society.


1.International Journal of Data Mining and Emerging Technologies


Commerce and Management

  1. The Management Accountant.
  2. Corporate Professional Today.
  3. Forbes India.
  4. Harvard Business Review.
  5. Energy Manager.
  6. Fortune India.
  7. Governance Now.
  8. Indian Management.
  9. The Chartered Accountant Journal.
  10. Business Today.


  1. Seminar.
  2. The Indian Banker.
  3. RBI Bulletin.
  4. Southern Economist.

Competitive Exams

  1. Pratiyogita Darpan. (English)
  2. Competition Wizard.
  3. Competition Success Review.
  4. Careers 360.


  1. Digit.
  2. Data Quest.
  3. Electronic Bazaar.
  4. Open Source for You.
  5. Electronic for You.
  6. PC Quest.
  7. Express Computer.
  8. IT Next.

General Magazines

  1. Outlook.
  2. India Today. (English)
  3. Health & Nutrition.
  4. The Teenager Today.
  5. Women’s Era.
  6. Femina.(English)
  7. Time.
  8. Inspirational Quote.
  9. The Week.
  10. Down to Earth.
  11. Education World.
  12. University News.
  13. Yoga Quest.



  1. Times of India
  2. The Navhind Times
  3. Herald
  4. The Goan Everyday
  5. Gomantak Times
  6. Goan Observer
  7. Gomantak (Marathi)
  8. Tarun Bharat (Marathi)
  9. Navaprabha (Marathi)
  10. Employment News
  11. Goa doot (Marathi)
  12. Lokmat (Marathi)
  13. Dainik Herald (Marathi)
  14. Pudhari (Marathi)
  15. Sunapranth (Marathi)


  1. The Hindu
  2. Business Line
  3. Business Standard
  4. Economic Times
  5. Indian Express
  6. Indian Financial Express
  7. Deccan Herald
  8. Employment News


  2. N-LIST



February, 2024

1 Mutual Fund Distributors National Institute of Security Markets
2 Financial Institutions and Markets 6th ed Bhole, L.M
3 Mutual Funds and Indian Capital Market: Performance and Profitability Singh, H.K
4 Modern Accountancy Vol II 3rd ed. Hanif, Mohammed; Mukherje, Amitabha
5 E- Research Methodology Chaudhary,  Sahil
6 UGC/ NET/ JRF/ SET/ Commerce Vyas, Dr. Hitesh
7 English for UGC/ NET/ JRF/ SLET and other Academic Exams Shekokar, Dr. V.P


January, 2024

1 The Jesuits, Goa and the Arts D’Souza SJ; da Silva SJ, Anthony
2 Student’s Guide to Income Tax including GST (A.Y 2024-25) 70th ed. Singhania, Vinod k.
3 Butter Chicken in Ludhiana: Travels in Small town India Mishra, Pankaj
4 Following Fish: Travels around the Indian Coast Subramanian, Samanth
5 Digital Storytelling: Guide for Educators Frazel, Midge
6 Travel Writing and the Empire Mohanty, Sachidananda
7 May you be the Mother of a hundred Sons: A Journey among the women of India Bumiller, Elisabeth
8 Say it with presentations Zelazny, Gene
9 Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery Reynolds, Garr
10 Understanding Indian Movies: Culture, Cognition and Cinematic Imagination Hogan, Patrickcolm
11 Econometrics by Example 2ed Gujarati, Damodar
12 Applied Econometrics 4ed Asteriou, Dimitrios
13 Primary Research and Writing: People, Places and Spaces Gaillet, Lynee Lewis; Michelle
14 Statistics: A Tool for Social Research 10 ed Healey, Joseph F.
15 Good Practices and Ethics in Research and Publication Dutta, Dilip

December, 2023

1 Advanced Cost Accounting-I DSC 5 Satish, R.
2 21st Century Busines Icons: The Leader who are changing our world Percy, Sally
3 Go Compere: A Performer’s guide to being a compere. Goodman, Wayne

November, 2023

1 Core Pythan Programming 3rd ed. R, Nagaswara Rao
2 Pythan Programming: Using Problem solving approach 2nd ed. Thareja, Reema
3 Investment Analysis and Portfolio management 6th ed. Chandra, Prasanna
4 Constitutional law of India Pandey, J.N
5 Public speaking: An Audience Centered Approach 9th ed. Beebe, Steven A.
6 Marketing management 16th ed. Kotler, Philip
7 Principles of marketing Kotler, Philip
8 Problem solving and Programming Concepts 19th ed. Sprankle, Maureen
9 Schaum’s Outlines of Beginning Calculus Mendelson, Elliott
10 Schaum’s Outlines differential equations Bronson, Richard
11 A flowering tree and other oral tales from India Ramanujan, A.K
12 Business Correspondence: A guide to everyday writing Lougheed, Lin
13 The Indian Folktales: An Exploration of India’s oral Folklore Traditions Pillai, Jagadeesh

October 2023

1 E-Waste Management Challenges and Opportunities in India Bhagat- Ganguly, Varsha
2 Studying Film 2nd Ed. Abrams, Nathan

September 2023

1 How to improve your critical thinking & Reflective skills Weyers, Jonathan
2 Constitutional Government and Democracy in India Abhay Prasad Singh
3 The Indian Folktales and Exploration of India’s oral folklore Traditions Pillai, Jagadeesh
4 Foundations of Advertising: Theory & Practice Chunawalla, S.A
5 Cyber Crimes and Cyber security Bhagtani, Heena T.
6 The film book: A Complete guide to the world of Cinema Bergan, Ronald
7 Renewable energy & Green technology: A reference book for Graduate & post Graduate students of Ind. University Sahoo, Anjan K.
8 The Wellness sense: A Practical Guide to your physical & Emotional health Swami, Om
9 Food Science, Nutrition and safety Suri, Sukhneet
10 Fast Track objective Arithmetic Verma, Rajesh

August 2023

1 Student’s Guide to Income Tax including GST 2023-24 69th Edn. Singhania, Vinod K
2 Income Tax and Goods and Service Tax Sem V DSE-1 Singavi, Vaibhav
3 The Oxford Companion to Politics in India Jayal, Niraja Gopal
4 Business Research Methods Schindler, Pamela S
5 The ACE of Soft skills Attitude, Communication and Etiquette for success Ramesh, Gopalswamy
6 Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. Goleman, Daniel
7 Digital Marketing Ahuja, Vandana
8 Tough interview questions and how to Answer them Adamson, Rachel

March 2023




1 Make your bed William Mcraven
2 Mind Management not Time management : Productivity when creativity matters David Kadavy
3 New Education Policy 2020-2021 G.D. Tripathi
4 Financial derivatives : Theory concepts and Problems S.L Gupta
5 Financial Technology and Digital Banking in India Jaspal Singh
6 The Village Maestro & 100 other stories Varghese Mathai

August 2021





On the
Salt March

Thomas Weber


After Gandhi: History of the World’s Largest Democracy



Wonder that was India

A.L. Balsham


History of India- Vol two

Percival Spear


Struggle for Freedom



Patriots and Partisans



of Independence

B.R. Agarwala


of the Raj

Thomas  R. Metcalf


Spirit of India



Freedom Struggle 1857- 1947: A Short History

Peter Heehs


Jinnah: India-Partition-Independence

Jaswant Singh


The Argumentative Indian: Writings on Indian Culture,
History and Identity

Amartya Sen

July 2021





Valuing Technology: The new science of wealth in the knowledge economy

Westland, Chris


Working Capital Management: Strategic Techniques and choices

Chadamiya, Bhavesh P.


Financial Derivatives in India

Raiyani, Jagadish


Confronting reality: Doing what matters to get things right

Bossidy, Larry


Customer and Market-Driven Quality Management

Edosomwan Johnson


Principles and Practice of Management

Gadave, B.R.


Personnel Management

Sharma, Bhairav


Global Crises, Global Solutions

Lomborg, Bjorn


Environmental Economics

Prasad, S.N.


Objective Questions in Defence and Strategic Studies

Bhosale, Devidas Vijay


Micro Finance for Rural India: Institutional Arrangements and Policies

Bhagowati, Surajit Kumar


International Economics

Carbaugh, Robert J.

June 2021





Public Finance

Sharma, Sunita


Geography of India: UPSC Civil Services and State
Public Services Main Examinations

Chopra, J.K.


Electronic Revolution 


Erik, Banks


Company Accounts: Basic Vol.6

G.  Francis Xavier


Company Accounts: Advanced Vol.7

G.Francis Xavier


Special Studies in Finance

Jha, Nishikant


Essays in Social and Economic Development

Streeten, Paul


Principles of Banking

Indian Institute of Banking & Finance


Global Directed Project Management: Effective Techniques and Strategies

Andersen, Erling S


Impeccable Logictics and Supply Chain Management: A case of Mumbai Dabbawallahs

Taher, Nasreen


Advanced Bank Management

Indian Institute of Banking & Finance


Total Quality in Research and Development

Gregory C.


Management Thinkers in Global World

Khurana, Neeraj


Business Mathematics & Statistic



Rural Marketing

Kashyap, Pradeep

May 2021





Employee Training and Development

Noe, Raymond A.


Corporate Social Responsibility: Contemporary Insights

Reddy, Sumati


Working Capital Management: Strategic Techniques and Choices

Chadamiya, Bhavesh P.


Financial Management

Knott, Geoffrey


Management Accounting Vol.9

G.Francis Xavier


Marketing of Financial Services

Kenjale, S.R.


Underdevelopment: A Strategy for Reform

Labini, Paolo Sylos


Fiscal Decentralization in Developing Countries

Bird, Richard M.


General English for all Competitive Examinations

Bhatnagar, Mahesh


Financial Statement Analysis: Theory Application and Interpretation

Bernstein, Leopold A.


Banking in India: Past, Present and Future

Shani, Ujjwala


Cashless India & Digital Economy

Bhadane, Jaywant


April 2021

1 Personal Excellence. Shelton, Ken
2 How to Be a Winner: A step by step guide to a Satisfying and Successful Life. Thornely, N
3 21 days Countdown to Success: Take change of your life in less than a month. Witting, Chris J.
4 Sales and Distribution Management. Panda, Tapan K.
5 Research Methodology. Upagade, Vijay
6 Mergers and Acquisitions : A Critical Reader. Risberg, Annette
7 Materials Management. Mishra, Rajendra
8 Tibetan Carvans: Journeys from Leb to Lhasa. Wahid, Abdul
9 The Tunel of Time. Laxman, R.K.
10 52 Ways to motivate your staff. Nicholson, Trish
11 360 Degree Feedback  and Performance Management System. Rao,T.V.
12 Economics for UGC-NET/SLET and other Competitive Examinations. Gupta, K.R.
13 Power Speak:Engage, Inspire, and Stimulate your Audience. Leeds, Dorothy
14 The Heart of Public Speaking: Mind map your way through the head, the heart and the humor behind public speaking! Mandhyan, Raju
15 Child Labour and Agriculture. Narasaah, M.L.

March 2021

1 Mergers and Acquisitions :Text and Cases. Boeh, Kevin K.
2 Wireless Enterprises: Concepts and Cases. Krishna S.Jaya
3 Enduring Success: What top companies do differently. Bailom, Franz
4 Fundamentals of Corporate Finance. Ross, Stephen
5 Coping with Life Stress: The Indian Experience. Hariharan, Meena
6 Think! Your way to Millions. Bhanver, Jagmohan
7 Mega living: from the monk who sold his Ferrari. Sharma, Robin
8 Introduction to Materials Management. Arnold, J.R.
9 Man v/s Money : understanding the Curious Economics that power our world. Cowley, Stewart
10 Ordinary to Extra Ordinary: your pathway to success & Happiness. Patel, Minocher
11 Why do Good People Suffer? Guidance and hope for those who suffer. Vaswani, J.P.
12 It’s A Matter of Attitude! Stories that inspire faith and Courage. Vaswani, J.P.
13 Dynamic Tourism: Journeying with change. Boniface, Priscilla
14 Operations Research. Sharma, Sonam
15 Get a Life :Setting your life compass for success. Bate, Nicholas

February 2021

  1. NO.
1 Theory of Computation: A Problem-Solving Approach. Mahesh, Kavi
2 Freedom is not Free: every generation needs to earn its own freedom. Khera, Shiv
3 Rethinking Indigenous Knowledge: A New Deal for Rural India. Nanjunda D C
4 Linear Algebra and its Applications. Strang, Gilbert
5 Mediation for Managers: Resolving Conflict and Rebuilding Relationships at work. Crawley, John
6 The power of Self Dependence: Allowing Yourself to live Life on your own terms. Bucay, Jorge
7 Dispossessed: Stories from India’s Margins. Parulkar, Ashwin
8 The worst of Global Terrorism. Reddy, L.R.
9 Working Capital Management: strategic techniques and choices. Chandamiya, Bhavesh p.
10 Vedanta and Management. Dave, Nalini V.
11 Web Advertising and online Marketing: Technologies and Strategies for E-marketing. Singh, P.P.
12 Hand book of Relationship Marketing. Sheth, Jagdish N.
13 Right of Passage: Travels from Brooklyn to Bali. Jacob, Rahul
14 Prophets of New India: Twenty social workers who transformed the lives of thousands of people. Penguin Group
15 Eminent Historians: Their technology, their Line and their fraud. Shourie, Arun

January 2021

  1. NO.
1 Management Accounting: Principles & Practice Gupta,Shashi, K.
2 Performance of Commercial Banks in India Naik, Sukhaji G.
3 Socio-Economic Inequities and the Health Sector: Issues and Perspectives. Falleiro, Savio P.
4 Human Rights & International Organisations Naik, Parikshith K.
5 The Companies Act, 2013 Wilters Kluwer Business
6 The Professional: Defining the New Standard of Excellence at work Bagchi, Subroto
7 Dare To Lead: The Transformation of Bank of Baroda A CEO’s Personal Account of Historic Changes in a large corporation Khandelwal, Anil K.
8 Financial Accounting & Analysis Ahuja, Narender L.
9 Problems and Solutions in Cost Accounting Maheshwari, S.N.
10 Financial Markets and Services Gordon, E.
11 Financial Decision Making: Concepts, Problems and Cases Hampton, John J.
12 A Textbook of Business Mathematics Khan,  Mohd.Shadab
13 E-Enterprise Perspectives in Contemporary Web-Speed Economy Krishna, S.Jaya
14 Wireless Enterprise : Concepts and Cases Krishna S.Jaya
15 Introductory Econometrics for Finance Brooks, Chris

December 2020

  1. NO.
1 Welch:An American Icon Lowe, Janet
2 Great works of fyodor Dostoevsky Dostoevsky, Fyodor
3 Outsourcing Success : The Business Imperative Patel, Alpesh B.
4 The Collected Poems Seth, Vikram
5 The Imam and the Indian Prose Pieces Ghosh, Amitav
6 Stay Hungry Stay Foolish: The inspiring stories of 25IIM Ahmedabad graduates who chose to tread a path of their own making Bansal, Rashmi
7 Grave Secrets in Goa McCaul, Kathleen
8 Eminent Historians :Their technology, their line , their fraud Shourie, Arun
9 Non -Stop India Tully, Mark
10 Operation Vijay: The ultimate Solution Ramani, Shrikant Y.
11 Too Many with Too Little: The Challenge for India’s  Development Paradigm Assaf, George B.

November 2020

  1. NO.
1 Corporate Valuation: A Guide for Analyst, Managers , and Investors Chandra, Prasanna
2 Environment, Globalization and Economic Development Rajaiah, G.
3 Trends in Travel Tourism and Law Singh, L.K.
4 Advances Accountancy Vol.1 Kumar, Arun
5 Business Environment Reddy, R Jayaprakash
6 Against the Current organizational Restructuring of state Electricity Boards Ruet, Joel
7 Ethics in Accounting:  Global Cases and Experiences Chary, CRK
8 Fiscal Decentralization in Developing Countries Bird, Richard M.
9 Environmental Economics Prasad, S.N.
10 Profit Beyond Measure: Extraordinary Results through Attention to work and people Johnson, H. Thomas
11 Grow Younger, Live Longer: Ten Steps to Reverse Ageing  Chopra, Deepak
12 Discover Your Destiny Sharma, Robin
13 The Greatness Guide: One of the World’s top success coaches shares  his secret for personal and Business mastery Sharma, Robin
14 Be All You Can Be: A challenge to stretch your potential Maxwell, John C.
15 The Power To Succeed: 30 Principles for maximizing your personal effectiveness Rubino, Joe

October 2020

  1. NO.
1 Effective Life and Stress Management Kunniparampil , Sam Mathew
2 Never Eat Alone: And  other secrets to success, one relationship at a time Ferrazzi, Keith
3 The Art of Living: The classic manual on Virtue, Happiness, and Effectiveness Lebell, Sharon
4 Listening to Grass Hoppers: Field notes on democracy Roy, Arundhati
5 The Competitive power of Constant Creativity Carr, Clay
6 The Cure Enterprise Medicine for Business :A Novel for Managers Paul, Dan
7 Corporate Bankruptcy: Tools, Strategies, and Alternatives Newton, Grant W.
8 The Dance of Change :The Challenges of Sustaining Momentum in Learning Organizations Senge, Peter
9 Competitive Intelligence : for the competitive edge Dutka, Alan
10 Studies in Women Writers in English Ray, Mohit K.
11 Beyond Entrepreneurship : Turning your Business in to an enduring Great Company Collins, James
12 The Quality Team Concept in Total Quality Control Ryan, John M.
13 Creative Problem Solving for Managers: Developing Skills for decision making and innovation Proctor, Tony
14 Principle Centered Leadership Covey,Stephen R.
15 Seasonality Systems, Strategies, and Signals Bernstein, Jake
16 Cyber Security Operations Handbook Rittinghouse, John W.
17 Get a Life : Setting your life compass for success Bare, Nicholas
18 Business Ethics Shaw, William H.
19 Equity: The Next Investment Destination Mody, Pallavi
20 Financial Derivatives: Pricing, Applications, and Mathematics Baz, Jamil

September 2020

  1. NO.
1 Spare Room Start up :How to start a business from home Jones, Emma
2 SCRUM: A revolutionary approach to building teams, beating deadlines and boosting productivity Sutherland, Jeff
3 Virtual Monopoly: Building an intellectual property strategy for creative advantage from patents to trademark, from copyrights to design rights Pike, Christopher G.
4 High Value Consulting: Managing and maximizing external and Internal consultants for massive added value Lambert, Tom
5 Industrial Management Ahuja, Shagun
6 Financial Analysis Sharma, Nand kishore
7 Quality of Management Education: The Challenge of changing scenario Arya, P.P.
8 We are like that only: understanding the logic of consumer India Bijapurkar, Rama
9 The Apple Way Cruikshank, Jeffrey, L.
10 Discover your sales strengths: How the world’s greatest salespeople develop winning careers Smith, Benson
11 Management Challenges for the 21st century Drucker, Peter
12 Statistical Methods for Economics and Commerce Pathak, Viresh
13 GPSC And Allied posts Examinations in Goa Administration Rajhauns
14 The Nasdaq Investor Isaacman, Max
15 Empowering Women: Grass roots Experience from Tamil Nadu Palanthurai, G.

August 2020

  1. NO.
1 Tough Calls: Making the right decisions in challenging times Leighton, Allan
2 Cases in Leadership Rowe, W. Glenn
3 Self –Esteem at Work: How Confident people make powerful companies Nathaniel, Branden
4 Indian Economy & New Policy Ippar, R.K.
5 Reserve Bank Grade B Officers Exam Aggarwal , R.C.
6 Digital Banking Khandelwal, Nidhi
7 Volatility in the Capital Markets: State-of-the Art Techniques for Modelling  Managing, and Trading Volatility Nelken, Israel
8 Women in the Unorganized Sector of India: Including a case study of Women in the Embroidery Industry in Surat City Pandya, Rameshwari
9 30 most convincing cases of Reincarnation Hardo, Trutz
10 Personal & Professional Growth : A competency Based Approach Silveira, D.M.
11 The Power of Impossible Thinking : Transform the Business of your life and the life of your Business Wind, Yoram
12 Infomedia Revolution :How it is changing our world and your life Koelsch, Frank
13 MBA: Management entrance examinations-A complete manual Chopra, J.K.
14 Internet Commerce: Digital Models for Business Lawrence, Elaine
15 Confronting reality: Doing what matters to get things right Bossidy, Larry

July 2020

  1. NO.
1 Mastering Blockchain: Distributed ledgers, decentralization and smart contracts explained Bashir, Imran
2 CRYPTOASSETS: The innovative investor’s Guide to Bitcoin and Beyond Burmske, Chris
3 The Fundamentals of Typography 2nd ed. Ambrose, Gavin
4 Cost Accounting: Problems and Solutions Saxena, V.K.
5 GST Ready Reckoner12th ed. Datey, V.S.
6 Cost Management: :A Strategic Emphasis 5th ed. Blocher Wdward J.
7 Pushing the Envelope: Making Sense out of Business Jargon Taggart, Caroline
8 Cases in Management Subbarao, Srinivas P.
9 Quintessence Issues in Governance and Management Raghavan, B.S
10 Corporate Combat: The art of market warfare on the Business Battlefield Skellon, Nick
11 Cannibals with forks: The triple bottom line of 21st century business Elkington, John
12 Financing and Risk Management Brealey, Richard A.
13 What’s in a Brand? Building brand Equity through Advertising Jones, John Philip
14 People and Self  Management Palmer, Sally
15 Tough Calls: Making the right decisions in Challenging times Leighton, With Teena Lyons

June 2020

  1. NO.
1 TOURISM: Principles and Practice 6th ed. Fletcher, John
2 Hospitality and Tourism Badan, B.S.
3 A Strategic Approach to Human Resource Management: Decision making for organisational Excellence Sadri, Jayashree
4 Organizational Behaviour 18th ed. Robbins, Stephen P.
5 “Lady You ‘re the Boss”: The Adventures of a woman at work –part 2 Purohit, Apurva
6 Exploring the elements of design Evans, Poppy
7 The Elements of graphic Design: Space , Unity, page Architecture and type White, Alex W.
8 Adobe Photoshop  CC Classroom in a book: the official training workbook from Adobe Faulkner, Andrew
9 Adobe illustrator CC Classroom in a book :The official training Workbook from Adobe Wood, Brian
10 Corel Draw X8:The official Guide Bouton , Gary David
11 The Silent Intelligence: The Internet of things Kellmereit, Daniel
12 Building the Internet of things :Implement new business models, Disrupt Competitors , and Transform your Industry Kranz, Maciej
13 The Internet of Things Greengard, Samuel
14 Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction McConnell, Steve
15 Artificial Intelligence :A Modern Approach 3rd ed. Russell, Stuart J.

May 2020

  1. NO.
1 Operations Research Sharma, Sonam
2 Poor Economics: rethinking  poverty & the way to end it Banerjee, Abhijit V.
3 Good Economics for Hard Times Banerjee, Abhijit V.
4 Student’s Guide to income tax including GST 61ST ed. Singhania.Vinod K.
5 Management Accounting Principles & Practice 14th ed. Gupta, Shashi K.
6 Logistics and Supply chain Management Bhat K.Shridhara
7 Supply  Chain Logistics Management 4th ed. Bowersox, Donald J.
8 Business Logistics /Supply chain Management: Planning organizing and controlling the supply chain 4th ed. Ballou, Ronald, H.
9 Industrial Relations 2nd ed. Ratham, C.S.Venkata
10 Cost Accounting :Principles and Practice Jain, S.P.
11 A Text Book of International Economics Sem-VI Karmali Churi, Deepali
12 Digital Payments in India: Background, Trends & Opportunities Singh, Jaspal
13 Managing Human Resources: Industrial Relations in Indian Enterprises Dwivedi, R. S.
14 Fundamentals of Investment Sem-IV Shaikh, Farhat Fatma
15 Sales Management Singh, U.K.

April 2020

  1. NO.
1 Mastering Marketing :A Comprehensive introduction to the skills of developing and defending your company’s revenue Ruskin-Brown, Ian
2 Principles of Macroeconomics Somashekaraiah, N.T.
3 I want to be confident :living working and communicating with confidence Griffley, Harriet
4 Lump sum Investment : :Assess your needs, explore the opportunities, maximise your investment Claxton, John
5 Research Methods for Practitioners Pant, S.K.
6 Effective Marketing in easy steps Mackay, Catriona
7 Tough calls: making the right decisions in challenging times Leighton, Allan
8 Titans of Business Branson, Richard
9 SCREENWRITING for the 21st century Silver –Lasky , Pat
10 Perfect answer to interview questions Eggert, max
11 Perfect Best Man Davidson , George
12 Walking for Fitness: the low impact workout that tones and shapes Barough, Nina
13 The Spook’s stories witches :Born to use dark Magic Delaney, Joseph
14 DANGEROUS IDEAS: when provocation thinking becomes your most Valuable Asset Rehn, Alf
15 100 facts About Shark O’ Doherty, David
16 Digital Films-Making Figgis, Mike
17 FIT in 3 the scandi plan : How to eat well, train smart and enjoy life the Swedish way Nilsson, Faya
18 Intellectual property Rights: Basic concepts Karki, M.M.S.
19 Lucky or smart? Secrets to an Entrepreneurial life Peabody, Be
20 Spare Room Start up: How to start a business from home Jones, Emma
21 Start an online Business in easy Steps Smith, John
22 Successful selling in easy steps Collins, Gary
23 Marketing Strategies for the home –based business: Solutions you can use today Frazier, Shirley George
24 Office politics :The new  Rules Yeung, Rob
25 Introduction to Environmental Modelling Smith, Jo
26 Shiverton Hall Fennell, Emerald
27 A Guide to Econometrics Kennedy, Peter
28 The Biteback Dictionary of Humorous Business Quotations Metcalf, Fred
29 Managing Modern Brands: Cult theory and Psychology Thomas Cherian , Mareen
30 Strategic Management  Narsis, I
31 How to get your ideas Adopted (and change the world) Miller, Anne
32 A Practical Approach to sales Management Vashisht, Kujnish
33 Marketing Management Goel, Priyanka
34 Insurance law and Practice Tyagi, C.L.

March 2020

  1. NO.
1 How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT(Common Admission Test) Sharma, Arun
2 Quantitative Aptitude for  CAT Sinhna, Nishit K.
3 Which? Tough Interview questions and how to Answer them Adamson, Rachel
4 Reasoning Chapter –Wise  Practice Workbook Singh , K.P.
5 The  Nudist on the Late Shift Bronson , Po
6 Writing from deeper within: Advanced steps in writing fiction and life stories Selling, Bernard
7 Banking in India Shetty, M.S.
8 History of Economic Thought: A Critical Perspective Hunt, E.K.
9 The Best of Business Quotation Exley, Altelen
10 Test Your Numerical Aptitude :How to Assess your Numeracy skills and plan your career Barrett, Jim
11 MANAGEMENT: Concepts, Theory and practices Chand, S.N.
12 Retail Management Bhatta, S.C.
13 Objective Questions in Defence and strategic studies (for NET/SLET/SET PAPER II & other competitive Examinations) Bhosale, Devidas Vijay
14 SUCCEED AT IQ TEST :Improve your verbal spatial and Numerical Reasoning Skills Carter, Philip
15 2000 Multiple  choice questions on Indian Policy Konda, Pawan Kumar
16 TEST AND ASSESS YOUR IQ: Numerical , Verbal and spatial Aptitude Test Carter, Philip
17 SHERLOCK HOLMES: The man who never lived and will Die Werner, Alex
18 MANAGEMENT: For UGC-NET/SLET/& other competitive Examinations Atlantic Research Division
19 NLP For Rookies Mallery, Becky
20 Misadventures in the English Language Taggat, Coroline
21 How to publish your own book: Secrets, from inside Ferris, Stewart
22 Rural Marketing in India: Text & Cases Chakraborty, Debarun
23 Inovention Payne, Alexander
24 The  FILE NOVELIST: Writing a  screenplay and short Novel in 15 week Packard, Denns
25 Discover your sales Strength : how the  world’s Greatest Salespeople develop winning Careers Smith, Benson
26 Cyber Law and Intellectual Property Rights Raghav, Rajendra
27 Marketing Your Service  Business Ruskin, Brown Ian
28 Animation Now! Mandi, Anima
29 Private International Law (conflict of Law) Myneni, S.R.
30 Economics of Development: Theory and Evidence Thirlwall, A.P.

February 2020

  1. NO.
1 Research Methods Vol. II Sharma , K.R.
2 College Writing Skills Langan John
3 Essentials of  Negotiation Lewicki, Roy J.
4 Employee Training and Development Noe, Raymond A.
5 Public Speaking Matters Floyd, Kory
6 STATISTICS: A Tool for Social Research Healey, Joseph, F.
7 FRICTION: Passion Brands in the age of disruption Rosenblum, Jeff
8 Introduction to Human Resource Management :A guide to HR in Practice Leatherbarrow, Charles
9 SHORT FILMS: how to make and distribute them Parker, Nathan
10 AGELESS YOGA Reichmann, Rosie
11 Perplexing Puzzles, cryptic challenges, Remarkable Riddles Colson Rob
12 In easy steps Computer Basics Price, Michael
13 In Easy Steps Get to #1 on Google Norman, Ben
14 International ,Marketing: Fundamentals for Small and Medium –sized Enterprises Roquecignacco, Bruna
15 Economics of  Development: Theory and evidence Thirlwall, A.P.
16 Banking Reforms in India Shetty, M.S.
17 A Practical Approach to Marketing Management with case studies) Vashisht, Kujnish
18 ECOTOURISM: Principles and Practices Buckley, Ralf
19 MANAGEMENT :For UGC –NET/SLET and other competitive Examinations Atlantic Research Division
20 COMMERCE: For UGC-NET/SLET 9for lectureship and JRF) and other competitive examinations Areekkuzhiyil, Santhosh

January 2020

  1. NO.
1 7 ways to build your pension. Vice, Anthony
2 Clear your office :How to cleanse your office and make it a positive and peaceful environment. Sky-Jade
3  Test your IQ: 400 questions to boost your brain power. Carter, Philip
4 Men Head East , Women Turn Right :How to meet in the middle when facing change. Brock, Sabra E.
5 The office Professional’s Guide. McKean, Erin
6 General English for All Competitive Examinations. Bhatnagar, Mahesh
7 Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for CAT 6th ed. Sinha, Nishit K.
8 Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations. Aggarwal,  R.S.
9 Last Christmas a Private Novel. Brian, Kate
10 Mist over the Mersey. Andrews, Iyn
11 The Osterman Weekend. Ludlum, Robert
12 Bella of Bow Street. Rivers, Carol
13 It Shouldn’t happen to A VET. Herriot, James
14 The two hotel Francforts. Leavitt, David
15 Final Friends Vol. I. The party , the Dance part I. Pike, Christopher
16 The Scarlatti Inheritance. Ludlum, Robert
17 Wilderness. Weller, Lance
18 Maggie May. Andrews, Iyn
19 Aptitude Personality and Motivation teast : Analyse your talents and Personality and plan your Career 3rd ed. Barrett, Jim
20 General Knowledge in a Nutshell. Bhatnagar, Mahesh
21 How to crack the SSB (Service Selection Board). Chugh, Uijwal
22 Animals INC: A Business Parable for the 21st Century. Turker, Kenneth A.
23 The Boss Should be a woman :How to manage your way to the top and compromise nothing, How to succeed because you are a woman. Mc Allen , Jack
24 Pushing the Envelope: Making sense out of Business Jargon. Taggart, Caroline
25 The Why Axis: Hidden Motives and the undiscovered Economic of Everyday life. Gneezy, Uri
26 Little Bets: How Breakthrough ideas Emerge from small discoveries. Sims, Peter
27 50 Cautionary Tales for Managers: An Entertaining Collection of Enlightening parables for Managers. Honey, Peter
28 Social Networking for ROOKIES. Bettison , Tina
29 Introduction to Research Methods. Dawson, Catherine
30 Research Methods Vol. I. Sharma R.K.

December 2019

  1. NO.
1 Services Marketing. 7e Zeithaml, Valarie A.
2 Services Marketing. 8e Wirtz,  Jochen, Lovelock Christopher
3. Cost and Management Accounting. (Techniques of costing)- (DSE 3 TY B.Com Semester V) Satish, R.
4 Industrial Management. (Semester V (CC-1) Mahendra Ghosawadker,
Lina Sadekar
5 Cost and Management Accounting. (Techniques of costing)- (DSE 4 TY B.Com ,Semester V.) Satish, R.
6 Income Tax & Goods & Service Tax.
(DSE-1 (T.Y.B.COM Semester V)
Satish, R.
7 Cost Accounting.
(DSE 1,TY B.Com ,Semester V.)
Satish, R.
8 Cost Accounting.
(DSE 2 TY B.Com, Semester V.)
Satish, R.
9 Theory in Cost Accounting. Narsis, I
10 Money: The Virgin Guide. Downess, Samantha
11 Business Communication Practices Modern Trends. Narula, Uma
12 Man Vs Money. Cowley, Stewart
13 Corporate Accounting. Balavant, M.P.
14 In Easy Steps:Sage 50 Accounts 2010. Gilert, Gillian
15 English Essentials. 3rd ed. Langan, John
16 Business and Administrative Communication. Locker, Kitty  O.
17 Stay it with pictures: Apply Graphical Communication to Transform Your Personal Effectiveness. Alder
18 Raspberry pi3: Programming and Project from Beginner to Expert. Bosworth , Jim
19 Software Project Management. Hughes, Bob
20 MONGODB: The Definitive Guide. Chodorow, Kristina
21 Scrum: A Revolutionary Approach to Building Teams, Beating Deadlines, and Boosting Productivity. 2nd ed. Sutherland, Jeff
22 Internet of things. Raj Kamal
23 Ethics Integrity and Aptitude. Sinha, Kumar Avinash Prasad
24  A First Course in Artificial Intelligence. Khemani, Deepak
25 Green IT:Reduce  Your Information System’s Environmental Impact while Adding to the Bottom Line. Velte, Tobe  J.
26 Mathematical Modeling with Excel. Allbright, Brian
27 Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing Simplified: 500 Questions, Answers & Tips. Arshad, Khan
28 Applications of 3D Measurement Image. Fryer, John
29 Corporate Mergers in India: Objectives and Effectiveness. Ranjit Kumar, Mandal
30 Corporate Takeovers in India. Vijay Kumar, Kaushal

November 2019

  1. NO.
1 Athletics. Samuel John
2 The Sports Rule.(Hand Book) Miland, R.K.
3. Health and Physical Fitness. Thapar, Balram
4 Sports Equipments. Samuel John
5  Baseball. Dubey, H C.
6 GST: Impact on Education sector. Kenjale, Somprasad R.
7 E-Banking Complexity and Solutions. Patinge, Yogesh
8 Digital Banking. Khandelwal, Nidhi
9 New Dimensions in Indian Banking Sector. Kadam-Pendhari, Asha
10 Corporate Governance in Banking Sector.  Dave, Beena S.
11 Research Methodology in Commerce. Kharche, P.B.
12 Research Methodology in Economics. Rao, P.B.
13 Business Start –up Management. Dhruv, Rahulkumar M.
14 Student’s Guide to Income Tax Including GST 61st ed. Singhania, Vinod K.
15 Student’s Guide to Income TaxIncluding GST :Problems & Solutions. Singhania, Vinod K.
16 e-Commerce in India :Violations &Tax Avoidance. Das, Rashmi
17 Junior Software Developer. National Association of Software & Services Companies
18 Services Marketing. Jha, S.M.
19 Service Sector Management. Jha, Nishikant
20 Services Marketing. Venugopal, Vasant
21 Services Marketing.  Balaji, B.
22 Fundamentals of Retailing. Madaan, K V S.
23 Services Marketing. Rao, K. Ramamohana
24 Services Marketing: Integrating Customer focus across the firm. Zeithaml, Valarie A.
25 Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy. Wirtz, Jochen
26 Income tax & Goods & Service Tax (DSG-I) Sem-V. Singavi, Vaibhav
27 Cost Accounting-I (DSE-1) Sem-V. Sathish, R.
28 Cost Accounting-I (DSE-2) Sem-V. Sathish, R.
29 Cost and Management Accounting :Techniques of Costing (DSE-3) Sem-V. Sathish, R.
30 Industrial Management (CC-15) Sem-V. Ghosarwadkar, Mahendra.

October 2019

  1. NO.
1 Financial Reporting (DSE 4) Semester-V. Sathish R.
2 General Management   Semester-I.  N.G.Kale
3. Business Finance (Semester-III). N.G.Kale
4 Industrial Management (Semester -V). N.G.Kale
5 Takeovers, Restructuring, and Corporate Governance  4th ed. Weston, Fred
6 Mergers, Restructuring, and Corporate Control. Weston , Fred
7 Cost Accounting : Text and Problems. M.C. Shukla
8 Agriculture and Rural Development. S.S. Shejal
9 Human Resource Development. Devangi M Variya
10 Personnel  Management. Bhairav Sharan
11 Industrial Management. Shagun  Ahuja
12 Insurance in India. R. Gadave
13 Principles of Audit. Suraj M Popker
14 Emerging Dimensions of Accounting in the Information. Rajkumar S Topandasani
15 Rural Marketing in India: Text & Cases. Debarun  chakraborty
16 Indian Financial System. K.V.Somanadh
17 Sales & Distribution Management. Devangi M Variya
18 Services Marketing with MCQs’. Pallavi Mandaogade
19 Arda  litre batlen don litre udak. Dnyanada, Prabhudessai
20  The Professional :Defining the new standard of excellence at work. Subroto, Bagchi

September 2019

  1. NO.
1 A Textbook of Economics: Indian Monetary Financial System. Deepali, Karmali Churi
2 Entrepreneurship Development: Semester-III. Sathish, R.
3 Fundamental of Cost Accounting Semester-III. Manoj S.Kamat
4 Indian Monetary & Financial System Semester-V. Manasvi, M. Kamat
5 Students’ Guide to Income Tax Including GST. Vinod K. Singhania
6 Students’ Guide to Income Tax Including GST: Problems & Solutions. Vinod K. Singhania
7 Auditing –I  Semester –V L.N.Chopde
8 Financial Accounting   Semester-I. Sathish, R.
9 Government Accounting Semester-V. Sathish, R.
10 Basic Econometrics. Damodar, N. Gujarati
11 Food Security in India: Policies and Challenges. Shyam , Kartik  Mishra
12 Rural Banking in India. Manas,   Chakrabarti
13 Co-operative Banks in India: Functioning and Reforms. Amit,  Basak
14 The Solutions Focus: The Simple way to Positive Change. Paul,  Z Jackson
15 Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques. Jiawei, Han

August 2019

  1. NO.
1 Professional Presentations. Goodale, Malcolm
2 Multimedia Systems. Havaldar, Parag
3 Digital Companies that change the world. Lester, David
4 Service –oriented Architecture for enterprise and cloud Applications. Kambhampaty, Shanka
5 Android in Action. Ableson Frank
6 Positive thoughts positive Action. Foax, Arnold
7 Micro Finance and India’s Rural Economy. Das, Sudhansu Kumar
8 Cruise Tourism :Indian and Global Perspectives. Prasad, BVS
9 Environment Reader for universities. Mahapatra, Richard
10 Understanding Financial Statements. Fraser, Lyn M.
11 Cases in Call Center Management: Great ideas at work. Feinberg, Richard
12 Developing Executive Talent: Best Practices from Global Leaders. Smilansky, Jonathan
13 The Passionate Economist: Finding the power and humanity behind the numbers. Swonk, Diane
14 The art of Concentration: enhance focus, reduce stress and achieve more. Griffey, Harriet
15 Over the Top: Moving from survival to stability, from stability to success, from success to significance. Ziglar, Zig

July 2019

  1. NO.
1 Internet of Things: hands –on Approach. Bahga, Arshdeep
2 Cloud Security : A Comprehensive Guide to secure Cloud Computing. Krutz, Ronald L.
3. Memory Unlimited: The Art of Improving Memory. Chowdhury, Biswaroop Roy
4 Mental Strength: Condition your mind to achieve your goals. Abernethy, Jain
5 Communication in IT Age. Sharma, Dhiraj
6 Ecotourism. B.S.Badan
7 Economics for Managerial Decisions. Pandey, K.M.
8 Family Law. Saiyed, I.A.
9 Marine Pollution. Clark, R.B.
10 Financial Management: Text and cases. Brigham, Eugene F.
11 Managing Workplace Conflicts. Subbulakshmi V
12 Corporate Social Accounting and Disclosure practices in public  undertakings. Verma, Sawalia Bhihari
13 The Target: the decimation of JIGNESH SHAH’S global empire. Ray, Shantanu Guha
14 The Romance of Tata Steel. Lala, R.M.
15 A New Earth: Awakening to your life’s Purpose. Tolle, Eckhart

June 2019

  1. NO.
1 Financial Risk Management. Dun & Bradstreet
2 Environmental  Accounting. Agrawal, N.P.
3. Cost Accounting. Alex, K.
4 52 Ways to Motivate your Staff. Nicholson, Trish
5 Performance Management System. Deb, Tapomoy
6 The Quality Toolbox. Tague, Nancy R.
7 The power of Self –Dependence. Bucay, Jorge
8 Marketing of Financial Services. V.A.Avadhani
9 Google’s Growth :A Success Story. Sangeetha, K.
10 Fifty ways to improve your Business English…without too much effort!. Taylor, Ken
11 Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques. Han, Jiawei
12 Head First web design. Watrall, Ethan
13 Tourism Marketing. Jha, S.M.
14 Law Relating to Intellectual Property Rights. Ahuja, V.K
15 Environmental Issues. Mathur, Shuchi

May 2019

  1. NO.
1 Management Challenges for the 21st Century. Drucker,Peter.F
2 Banking and Finance Perspectives on Reforms. Sreekantaradhya B. S.
3. Managerial Economics. Dwivedi, D.N.
4 Money Banking and Economic Reforms. Ghosh, Alak
5 Asset Management: Equities Demystified. Acharya, Shanta
6 The difficulty of Being Good: on the subtle art of Dharma. Das, Gurucharan
7 An Introduction to Database Systems. Date, C.J.
8 Business Statistics. Sharma, J.K.
9 Organizational Behaviour:An Evidence -Based Approach. Luthans, Fred
10 Management of a sales Force. Spiro, Rosann L.
11 Public Finance. Sharma, Sunita
12 Cloud Computing Bible. Sisisky, Barrie

April 2019

  1. NO.
1 E-Accounting : Theory & Practice. Srivastava, Pankaj
2 What to say to get what you want:Strong words for 44 Challenging types of Bosses, Employees, Co-worker and Customers. Sam Deep
3. Planning and Organising Personal and Professional Development. Sangster, Chris
4 The Global Me. Zachary G Pascal
5 Do You Dot -Com? : A field Guide to Understanding life at an Internet Company. Carlson , Gustav
6 Thick face black heart: The Asian path to thriving Winning & succeeding. Chu, Chin Ning
7 Principles of Auditing. Whittington, O. Ray
8 The Apple Way. Cruikshank, Jeffrey L.
9 Financial Freedom: A Positive Strategy for Putting Your Money to Work. Barry,James,A.
10 The Investors Guide to Economic Fundamentals. Calverley, John
11 Communication In IT Age. Sharma,Dhiraj.
12 Banking Law and Practice. Varshney, P.N.

March 2019

  1. NO.
01 Banking services & information technology Dr. R K Uppal
02 Public finance Dr. Sunita sharma
03 Indian economy & New policy Dr. R K Ippar
04 Contemporary Int. Economics B G Wagh
05 Marketing Management Ashok Giri
06 Sales & distribution management Devangi variya
07 Principle & practice management Dr. B R Gadave
08 Digital marketing Manoj Patni
09 Effective life & stress management Dr. Sam Mathew K
10 How to develop business through advertising Tejas Koolwal
11 Marketing of financial service Dr. S R Kenjale
12 Social media Marketing Dr V K Sawant
13 Entrepreneurship development Rathi K N
14 Entrepreneurship management Dr. P V V Satyanarayana
15 UGC NET SET Commerce Dr. S R Kenjale
16 UGC NET SET Management Kuldeep H Jobanputra

February 2019

  1. NO.
01 Fundamentals of Investments Sem IV Dr Harip R. Khanapuri
02 Accounting for service organizations Sem IV Dr. Manoj Kamat and Dr. R. Sathish
03 Collective Bargaining & Negotiation Dr. P B Rayate
04 International HRM Dr. P B Rayate
05 HRM- Concepts, Policies & Practice Dr. Prakash A. Deshmukh
06 Human Resource planning & Development
  1. Murugan
07 Industrial Management R N Misra
08 GST Goods & Service Tax Dr. Prakash A. Deshmukh
09 Research Methodology in Economics Dr. R K Ippar
10 Statistical methodology for Economics and Commerce Viresh Pathak
11 E-Commerce P C Jain
12 Event Management H R Padia
13 Contemporary Management Rashid Merchant
14 GST-Impact on the Indian Economy Dr. Prakash A. Deshmukh
15 Reforms in Indian banking sector Dr. Vijaylaxmi sharma
16 Indian financial system K V Somandah
17 E-Banking Yogesh Patinge
18 Green economy
  1. P S Kamble
19 Black money & Indian economy Dr. Jaywant Bhadane
20 Cashless India & digital Economy Dr. Jaywant Bhadane

January 2019

  1. NO.
01 Power Talk: Insights from Asia’s Leading Entrepreneurs Lam, Karen
02 Computer Applications F.Y.Bcom Sem-I Pandya, Laxmi B
03 Upanishad Shankar, Ravi
04 Introduction to company Law Singh, Avtar
05 The Constitution of India Lexis , Nexis
06 Company Law: A comprehensive Textbook on Companies Act 2013 Kapoor, G.K.
07 Nota Bandi ki jai ho (Ekakika sangrha) Masurkar, Pramod
08 Eak paul paryavarnakade (Ekakika sangrha) Masurkar, Pramod

December 2018

  1. NO.
01 Front Office: Procedures, Social Skills, Yield and Management. Abbott, Pete
02 Another way to Live: A Psychiatrist among Indian Ascetics. Kapur, R.L
03 Handbook of Office Management: A Modern Approach. Sharma, S.K.
04 Daring To Dream: Cultivating Corporate Creativity Through Dreamwork. Hazarika, Anjali
05 Auditing: Theory and Practice. Sharma, N.K.
06 Towards The Next Economics & Other Essays. Drucker, Peter F
07 India’s Transforming Financial Sector. Sharma, Manoranjan
08 Measuring Market Risk. Dowd, Kevin
09 Managerial Economics. Petersen, H.Craig
10 Taking The Fear out of Economics. Curran,John
11 Managing Indian banks: The Challenges Ahead. Joshi, Vasant C.

November 2018

  1. NO.
01 Making Work: New Strategies for Surviving and thriving at the Office. Morgenstern, Julie
02 The 80/20 Principle: The Secret Of Achieving More With Less. Koch, Richard
03 Signposts for success: A Guide to Self-Managed Development. Dent, Fiona Elsa
04 Advanced Financial Accounting: New Methods & Practices. Gaur, Himanshu
05 Strategy & Performance: Creating Winning Business Formula. Mills,.John; Platts,.Ken
06 Guide to Management Ideas. Hindle, Tim
07 Priests of Prosperity: How Central Bankers Transformed the Post communist World. Johnson, Juliet
08 The Information Investors: guide to financial quotations. Berlin, Howard M.
09 Managerial economics. Dean, Joel
10 Indian Economy towards inclusive growth. Satyanarayana, G.
11 The Conquest of Happiness. Russell, Betrand
12 An Introduction to Database Systems. Date, C.J.

October 2018

01 Designing the Internet of things Mcewen, Adrian
02 Entrepreneurship 9th ed. Hisrich, Robert D.
03 Sourcing and Supply chain Management 5th ed. Handgield, Robert B,
04 Management of a sales Force 12th ed. Spiro, Rasann L.
05 Sales and Distribution Management: Decisions Strategies and Cases Still, Richard
06 Principles and Practice of Banking Bareja, K.L.
07 Legal and Regulatory aspects of Banking Bareja, K.L.
08 Sea Prayer Hosseini, Khaled
09 Learning Python Lutz, Mark

September 2018

01 Marketing of Financial Services Avadhani, V.A.
02 Management of Indian Financial Institutions Srivastava, R.M.
03 Indian Economy: Development Experience 36th ed. Puri, V.K. & Mishra, S.K.
04 Science Tale: Lies , Hoaxes and Scams Cunningham, Darryl
05 The End of Plenty: The race to feed a Crowded World Bourne, Joel K.
06 Asap Science: Answers to the world’s weirdest questions, most persistent rumours and Unexplained phenomena Moffit, Mitchell
07 A Textbook of Business Law Sem –III Pai Angle, Reshma Nikhil
08 Income Tax & Goods & Service Tax Sem-V Singavi, Vaibhav & Bhat Subrahmanya

August 2018

1 Financial Services 9th ed. Khan, M.Y.
2 Management of Indian Financial Institutions Srivastava, Divya Nigam
3. Entrepreneurship: New Venture creation Holt, David
4 Dynamics of Entrepreneurial development and management Desai, Vasant
5 Students Guide to Income Tax A.Y. 2018-19 Singhania, Vinod
6 Human Resource Management (Text & cases) Khanka, S.S.
7 Materials Management:  A supply chain perspective (Text & cases) 3rd ed. Chitale , A.K.
8 World class Supply chain Management : the key to supply chainmanagement 7th ed. Burt, David N.
9 Advertising Media Planning 7th ed. Sissors, Jack Z

July 2018

1 Students Handbook on taxation A.Y. 2018-19. Singhania, Vinod
2 Economics of Resources Sem-III Sathish, R.
3. Auditing –I Sem- V Kamat, Manoj S.
4 Business Finance Sem –III Sathish, R.
5 Fundamentals of cost Accounting  Sem-III Kamat, Manoj S.
6 Materials Management Mishra Rajendra
7 Introduction to Materials Management Chapman, Stephen N.
8 Advertising Management 5th ed. Batra, R. Johan
9 Financial Services & Markets Avadhani, V.A.

June 2018

1 Internal quality  Assurance system 7 Action points Hegde, Ganesh A.
2 Cost and Management Accounting Sem-VI Bhat, K.M.Subrahmanya
3. G.S.T: A simple Approach Bhat, K.M.Subrahmanya
4 Probing Perspectives : A Critical Study of Mahabaleshwar sail fiction Budkuley, Kiran
5 Students Guide to IncomeTax including G.S.T. 59TH ed Singhania, Vinod K.
6 Direct Taxes law & Practice 60th ed.A.Y.2018-19 Singhania, Vinod K.
7 Advanced Accounting Paper –I Sem-V Sathish, R.
8 Financial Accounting Sem-I Sathish, R.
9 Systematic  Approach to Taxation Income tax & GST 39TH ed. A.Y.2018-19 Ahuja, Girish
10 Entrepreneurship Development  Sem-III Sathish, R.

March 2018

1 Organisational Behaviour Aswathappa K
2 Organisational Behaviour Fred Luthans
3 Organisational Behaviour John W. Newstrom
4 (IC-11) Practical of General Insurance Insurance Institute of India
5 (IC-01) Principles of Insurance Insurance Institute of India
6 (IC-14) Regulation Insurance Business Insurance Institute of India
7 (IRCC-03) Risk Management in Insurance Insurance Institute of India
8 (IC-78) Miscellaneous Insurance Insurance Institute of India
9 (IC-74) Liability Insurance Insurance Institute of India
10 GST Law and Practice with Customs Law (for CA Final May and November 2018 examinations) Datey, V.S.

February 2018

1 Dispossessed stories from India’s Margins Parulkar, Ashwin
2 The Target :the decimation of jignesh Shah’s global empire. How he broke the market monopoly and the price he paid. Ray, Shantanu Guha
3 Dress Code :the naked truth about fashion Arntzen, Mari Grinde
4 A  full night’s thievery Phukan, Mitra
5 Surviving Domestic Violence: Gender, Poverty and Agency Wilcox, Paula
6 A Night with a Black Spider Ambai
7 Oprah Winfrey: A Biography Garson Helen S.
8 No path in Darjeeling :is Straight Memories of a hill town Bhattacharya, Parimal
9 Environmental Geography Imam, Jafar
10 International Business and Global Climate Change Pinkse, Jonatan

January 2018

1 Marine Environment Singh Rana Vikram
2 Environmental Management in Mining Areas Singh, Anoop Kumar
3 Sustainable Development and Environment Singh, Chandrama
4 A Village Dies: Your invitation to a memorable funeral Arthur, Ivan
5 Tibetan Caravans: Journeys from Leh to Lhasa Radhu, Abdul Wahid
6 Harilal &  Sons :a novel Saraf, Sujit
7 The Paper Menagerie and other stories Liu, Ken
8 The Modi Myth Singh, S. Nihal
9 Multiculturalism, Religion and Women : Doing Harm by Doing Good? Macey, Marie
10 One Out of Two Sada, Daniel

December 2017

1 Modern Banking  theory and practice Muraleedharan, D.
2 Banking Theory Law and Practice Shekhar, K.C.and lekshmyshekhar
3 Modern Banking In India Agarwal, O.P.
4 Basics of Banking and Finance Bhattacharya, K.M. and Agarwal , O.P.
5 Practical Banking and Advances Bedi H.L. and Hardikar, V.K.
6 Production and Materials Management Bhat, K. Sridhara
7 Mining and Environmental Sustainability Kumar, Rajesh
8 Environmental Pollution and Health Hazards Kumari, Veena
9 Eve Out of Her Ruins Ananda Devi
10 Up campus, Down campus: the adventures of Anirban Roy in JNU Ghosh, Avijit
11 Priests of Prosperity: How central Bankers Transformed the Postcommunist world Johnson, Juliet
12 Tales of the Metric System Coovadia, Imraan

November 2017

1 Introduction to Information Technology ITL Education Solutions Limited,.
2 General Management F.Y.Bcom  sem-I &II Kale, N.G.
3 Elementary Business Mathematics Vaidya, M.L.
4 Elementary Business  Statistics Deshpande, A.V.
5 Environment Reader for Universities Richard Mahapatra &
6 Principles and Practices of Banking Indian Institute of Banking and Finance
7 Basics of Banking Indian Institute of Banking and Finance
8 Banking Products and Services Indian Institute of Banking and Finance
9 Practice and Law of Banking Khubchandani, B.S.
10 Banking Theory Law and Practice Srivastava, P.K.
11 Banking Law and Practice Varshney, P.N.

October 2017

1 GST Ready Reckoner Pandey, V.S.
2 Goa GST Manual: Law Practice & Procedure Prabhu Verlekar, V.B.
3 Direct Taxes Law &  Ass. Year 2017-18 Manoharan, T.N.
4 Autobiography Anderson, Linda
5 Year 7007 : Fable of a forgotten planet Vijayakumar, A. K
6 The Art of Thank You :Crafting Notes of Gratitude Leas, Connie
7 Homi K. Bhabha Huddart, David
8 The Frankfurt School and its Critics Bottomore, Tom
9 Personal Excellence Shelton, Ken
10 Economics for Business Appannaiah, H. R.
11 Principles of powerful Living Rubino, Joe
12 Max Weber Parkin, Frank
13 You get one shot art life aim for success Lumpkin, Aaron
14 The Power to succeed: 30 principles for maximizing your personal effectiveness Rubino, Joe

September 2017

1 Issues and Challenges of Development. Pattanaik, B.K.
2 Introduction to Development Studies. Pattanaik, B.K.
3 A Textbook of Microeconomic Theory. Tandon, Pankaj
4 Environmental Economics: Theory & Applications. Singh, Katar & Shisodia, Anil.
5 Principles of Econometrics: An Introduction(using R) Hatekar, Neeraj R.
6 Intellectual Property Law.3 ed. Narayanan, P.
7 Law relating to Intellectual Property Rights. 2. Ed. Ahuja, A.K.
8 Competition Law in India.2.ed. Roy, Abir Kumar, Jayant
9 Law of Contract:  Specific Relief. Singh, Avtar
10 Banking and Insurance Agarwal O.P
11 Banking and Insurance Satyapal Sharma
12 International Business Environment Anant Sundaram and Stewart Black
13 International Business Aswathappa, K.
14 International Business Management Vyuptakesh Sharan
15 International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace Charles Hill and Arun Jain
16 International Business: Text and Cases Francis Cherunilam
17 An Audit of My Life: Reminiscences of a Chartered Accountant in Goa Daivajna, Ganesh
18 Retail Management Chetan Bajaj, Rajnish Tuli,Nidhi Varma Srivastava
19 Law Relating to Intellectual Property Rights Ahuja, V.K.
20 Law of  Contract: A study of the contract Act, 1872 Singh, Avtar

August 2017

1 The International Business Environment: Text and cases Sundaram, Anant
2 The Theory of Co-operation Sharada,V.
3 Banking and Insurance Agarwal, O.P.
4 Student’s Guide to Income Tax:Including Service tax/VAT/Excise Duty/Customs Duty/ CST Singhania, Vinod K.
5 Student’s Handbook on Taxation: Including Income-Tax, VAT,Central sales Tax, service tax, Central Excise, CENVAT Credit and Customs Law) Manoharan, T.N.
6 Business Research Methodology Sachdeva, J.K.
7 Insurance Management Sahoo, S.C.
8 Direct Taxes: Law & Practice Singhania, Vinod K.
9 Merger, Acquisition and corporate restructuring Sinha, P.K.
10 Corporate restructuring : Merger, Acquisition and other forms Bhagaban,  Das
11 Co-operation Kumar, Ajith
12 Banking theory Law and Practice Gordon, E.
13 First Step towards the stock market in India Thakur, V.K.
14 Direct Tax T.Y.Bcom Sem –V  Ass. Year 2017-18 Singhavi, Vijay
15 New Dimensions of cooperative Management Kamat, G.S.

July 2017

1 International Business Aswathappa, K.
2 Cooperation :Principles, Problems and Practice Hajela, T.N.
3 Cooperative Management: Principles and Techniques Nakkiran, S.
4 Micro Economic Theory Jhingan, M.L.
5 Banking and Insurance Sharma, Satya Pal
6 Driven by Passion: Narratives of First Generation Entrepreneurs Amballoor, Renji George
7 Cooperative Marketing in India and Abroad Singh, L.P.
8 Retail Management Bajaj, Chetan
9 Quantitative Techniques for Business Managers Bharadwaj, R.K.
10 Sustainable Development :Environment , Energy &waterResources Roy, Ghosh M.K.

June 2017

Sr. No. Title Author
1 Management of Indian Financial Institution. Srivastava, R.M.
2 Financial Markets and Financial Services. Desai, Vasant
3 Advance Financial Management. Pawan
4 Management Accounting. Jayachandran, R.
5 Management Accounting. Madhegowda, J.
6  Quantitative Techniques for Business Managers. Bharadwaj, R.K.
7  Cost and financial Analysis. Lal, Jawaharlal
8 Human Resource Management. Badi, R.
9 Insurance Management. Sahoo, S.C.
10 Merger, Acquisition and corporate restructuring. Sinha, P.K.
11 Corporate restructuring : Merger, Acquisition and other forms. Bhagaban,  Das
12 Banking theory Law and Practice. Gordon, E.
13 Foreign Exchange. Gopal Krishnan, P.G.
14 Principles of Management. Ramasamy, T
15 Principles of Management. Narayan, K.
16 Principles of Management. Vishwanathan, R.
17 Indian Financial Markets. Tripathy, N.
18 Corporate Governance. Machi Raju, H.R.
19 First Step towards the stock market in India. Thakur, V.K.
20 Practical Derivatives. Saini, A.L.
21 Cost and Management Accounting. Arora, M.N,
22 Analysis of Financial Statement. Saini, A

May 2017

Sr. No Title Author
1 You ‘re the password to my life. Nagarkar, Sudeep
2 It Started with a friend Request. Nagarkar, Sudeep
3 It Happens for a Reason. Shenoy, Preeti
4 It’s All in the Planets. Shenoy, Preeti
5 Land Laws of Goa.  Prasanna Timble
6 Research Methodology. Krishnaswami, O.R.
7 Business Research Methodology. Sachdeva, J.K.
8 Enterprises Resource Planning. Zaveri, J.
9 Financial Markets and financial Services. Desai, Vasant
10 Economics for managerial Decisions. Pandey, K.M.
11 Indian Economy 34th ed. Puri, V.K.
12 The Indian Financial system and Development. Desai, Vasant
13 International Financial Management. Avadhani, V.A.
14 Tourism Marketing. Jha, S.M.
15 Financial Markets and Services. Gordon, E.
16 Financial Services in India. Avadhani. V.A.
17 Quantitative methods for management and economics. Chakravarthy, P.
18 Security Analysis and portfolio management 12th ed. Avadhani, V.A.
19 Organizational Behaviour. Kumar, Niraj
20 Management and organizational Behaviour. Rao, P.S.
21 Advance Accountancy. Arulanandam, M.A.
22 Financial Derivatives and Risk Management. Agarwal, O.P.
23 Practical Derivatives. Saini, A.L.
24 Case studies in Management. Vernekar, S.S.
25 Analysis and interpretation of financial statement. Murthy, G.

April 2017

Sr. No. Title Author
1 Microeconomic Theory.  Jhingan, M.L.
2 Concise Encyclopaedia of Olympics. Mustaquim, Muhammad
3 India’s First Democratic Revolution: Dayanand Bandodkar and the Rise of the Bahujan in Goa. Parobo, Parag D
4 Raw Earth. Moniz Barbosa, Alexandren
5 INDIA: A Wounded Civilization. Naipaul, V.S
6 Snapshots of Indo-Portuguese History-I. Pinho, Vasco
7 Snapshots of Indo-Portuguese History -II: Rise and Demise of Estado da India. Pinho, Vasco
8 Snapshots of Indo-Portuguese History -III: Panjim Then……..and Now. Pinho, Vasco
9 Snapshots of Indo-Portuguese History -IV: State institutions and Civil Society. Pinho, Vasco
10 The Mastery Manual: A Life- Changing Guide for Personal and Professional Greatness. Sharma, Robin
11 Sea of Poppies. Ghosh, Amitav
12  Frescoes in the womb. Vas, Isabel de Santa Rita
13 The Best of O.Henry. Henry, O
14 In to The Diaspora Wilderness. Carvalho, Selma
15 Goan Pioneers in Bombay. Albuquerque, Teresa
16 Over the Top: Moving from survival to stability, from stability to success, from success to significance. Ziglar, Zig
17 Lengthening Shadows: An anthology of Goan Short stories translated from the Portuguese. Melo e Castro, Paul
18 The White Tiger. Adiga, Aravind
19 Beyond the power of your Subconscious Mind. Jensen, C James
20 New Songs of the Survivors. Vaz, Ezdani, Yvonne
21 Step into Your Greatness: Unsinkable: powerfully take Action move forward and create a life you deserve! Ricotti, Sonia
22 Fifty one Greatest Modern Heroes : Heroes who changed the world. Otto, Lucas
23 Goa Remembered. Fernandes, Pantaleao
24 Money, Banking , International Trade and Public Finance. Jhingan, M.L.

March 2017

Sr. No. Title Author
1 Quantitative Techniques for Business Managers Bharadwaj, R.K.
2 Sustainable Development :Environment , Energy &water Resources Roy, Ghosh M.K.
3 General Studies Paper – I for civil services preliminary examination Chand, Tara
4 Public Matters: Speeches and Debates in the Goa Legislative Assembly and in Parliament (1972-2003) Faleiro, Eduardo
5 Karmelin Mauzo, Damodar
6 O To Be In Goa Today Alexyz
7 Matanhy  Saldanha the Legend Sawant Wadkar, Santosh
8  Guiding Souls: Dialogues on the purpose of life Kalam, Abdul APJ
9 You are Born to Blossom: take my journey Beyond Kalam, Abdul APJ
10 Making India Awesome Bhagat, Chetan
11 The Many Faces of Sundorem Women In Goa Gracias, Fatima da silva
12 From Coconut trees to oil wells Fernandes, Anthony veronica
13 Can Love Happen Twice? Singh, Ravinder
14 The power 30 principles for maximizing your personal effectiveness to succeed Rubino, Joe
15 The World ‘s Best Inspiring stories Xavier Francis G.
16 The Action-Centred Leader Adair, John
17 The Confidence Factor Ashdown, Annie
18 Few things  left unsaid Nagarkar, Sudeep
19 M S DHONI Memom, Ayaz
20 A Biography: Stephen Hawking Larsen, Kristine
21 The Street to the Highway Bajpai, Vineet
22 Virat Kohli, Memom, Ayaz
23 Sachin Tendulkar:  Master blaster Memom, Ayaz
24 YUVI Waingankar, Makarand
25 Portuguese sea forts Goa with Chaul, Korlai and vasai Kanekar, Amita

February 2017

1 Career Planner by Naik, Vaman R. The author has focused on the various careers like Bank Probationary officers, Chartered Accountants, Business Managers, Chartered Financial Analyst, Civil services exams, Company secretaries, Cost and Work Accountants, Commercial Pilots, Defence Services, Beauticians and Air-hostess.  Career planer
2 Reignite: Scientific pathways to a brighter future by Kalam, A.P.J. Abdul This book features exciting and cut-edge careers in areas such as robotics, aeronautics, neurosciences, pathology and material sciences- in other words, careers that are going to make a difference in the future.  Reignite
3 Ordinary to Extra ordinary by Patel, Minocher It’s a self-improvement book on success and happiness. It’s a roadmap for India’s aspiring generations through the obstacles and struggles of life, through their fears and insecurities, to the invaluable wisdom and awareness that comes from treading the path. This book invokes a change in people’s life.  Ordinary to Extra Ordinary
4 ACE against odds by Mirza, Sania This is a story of India’s most iconic player who beat incredible odds to get to the top of her sport. Sania writes with candour of the hardships along the way. This is a must read to every person.  ace-against-odds-by-_071116011511
5 The Invisible Man by Wells, H.G. It’s a gripping and entertaining tale of terror and suspense. The Invisible Man- endures as one of the signature stories in the literature of science fiction.  The Invisible
6 The Story of my Life by Keller, Helen The extraordinary account of Helen Keller’s struggle to overcome the challenges of being deaf and blind- a masterpiece of modern biography.  The_Story_of_My_Life_Cover
7 Think Big by Okawa, Ryuho The author focuses on emotions, positive thoughts, success and courage.Emotions in our life oscillate between feelings of inferiority and overconfidence, but we can lead ourself successfully into the future of these two words” Think Big!’.  think big
8 From Coconut Trees to oil Wells by Fernandes, Anthony This book tells the story of 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, as seen from a Goan perspective. It also glances back at Goan migration to Kuwait over the decades.  from coconut
9 The Pilgrimage by Coelho, Paulo A Contemporary Quest for Ancient Wisdom.  the-pilgrimage-pb-cover
10 The One You Cannot Have by Shenoy, Preeti A modern- day romance of unrequited love, of complicated relationships and about moving on when you realise there will always be the one you cannot have.  The-One-You-Cannot-Have-SDL162694273-1-901df
11 I am Malala by Yousafzai, Malala It’s a story of a girl who stood up for education and was shot by the Taliban.  Malala
12 Be all You can be: a challenge to stretch your potential by Maxwell, John C. The author points out the possibilities within us and then provides simple game plans for transforming those possibilities into realities.  Be all you can be
13 The Naked Liberal by Menezes, George It’s an anthology of George Menezes’s writing.  The naked liberal
14 Mary, of Carisbrooke by Bares, Margaret Campbell A story of royal hopes and misfortunes, the tale of a charming girl who is as romantic and alluring as she is smart and bold. Loyal to herself and to the crown, Mary’s brush with history reveals just how quickly fate can shift the path of power.  Mary
15 Pearls of Wisdom by Canfield, Jack The Author deals with Inspirational Ideas to live your best life.  Pearls of wisdom
16 1001 ways to Motivate Yourself and others by Kim, Sang H. Discover what it takes to successfully motivate yourself, your colleagues, your team members, your students, your employees, your customers, even your boss to make your life easier and more productive. This book is packed with hundreds of proven, effective ways to get yourself moving on the road to success. 1001 ways to motivate
17 Mother Teresa: an Authorized biography by Spink, Kathhryn This book is a glimpse into her extraordinary faith, work and life.  Mother Teresa
18 Business Communication by C.S.G. Krishnamacharyulu This book focuses on Written Communications and Oral communications.  Business Communication
19 Eleven commandments of life maximization by Nair, Santosh The author tells us the brutal truth of why we are where we are and how to live our life.  Eleven Commandments
20 You are born to blossom by APJ Abdul Kalam This book is an account of how Dr. APJ Kalam visualizes Information and Communication Technology mining the rural talent. He presents his dream of schools in India at 2020, as symbiotic nerve centres connecting teachers, students and community.  you are born to blossom

New Arrivals (JANUARY 2017)

1 Campus Recruitment : Complete Reference Praxis Groups
2 Indian Economy 72th ed. Datt, Gaurav
3 Bank financial Management Indian Institute of Banking and Finance
4 The Power Trip Collins, Jackie
5 Business Mathematics Dikshit, Amarnath
6 Mathematics and Statistics Goel, Ajay
7 Clerical Cadre Recruitment in State Bank of India Datason, R.P.
8 IBPS Bank Probationary officers Management Trainees Preliminary common written examination Sharma&Khanna
9 GPSC And Allied posts Examination on Goa Administration Rajhauns
10 Birds of Goa Grewal, Bikram
11 Business Leaders who Changed the world Deexler, Kateri
12 Breaking Barriers : Success stories of India’s Leading Businesswomen Krishnan, Janaki
13 Indian Business Etiquette Palat, Raghu
14 Something for Nothing : why we do the things we do Tracy, Brian
15 Born Again on the Mountain : A story of Losing Everything and finding it back Sinha, Arunima
16 House of Cards Murty, Sudha
17 The Story of Google Gilbert, Sara
18 Alert Active Alive at 100 Naik, Digambar
19 Sports Medicine and Exercise Physiology Kumar, Rajeev
20 Olympic Movement Mohammad, Osim
21 Something Happened on the way to Heaven : 20 inspiring Real-Life Stories Murty, Sudha
22 The Secret Notebooks Thomson, June
23 The Great Indian Diet : Busting the big Fat Myth Shetty Kundra , Shilpa
24 Life is Beautiful Martin, Tony
25 Better Than Good : Creating a life you can’t wait to Live Ziglar, Zig

The Library is accomplishing its task of reaching to a specialized academic community. The Library provides access to high quality electronic databases being made available through campus network to faculty members, students and research fellows. Some databases are also accessible through the UGC-INFLIBNET Digital Library Consortium and The library is managing its information through NewGenLib Library Management Software for printed books, non-book materials like e-books, e-journals. The library also promotes open access to e-resources. Past years exam question papers are made available and accessible on College NAS Server.




Sr.No. Logo/Link  Brief summary

An online public access catalog (OPAC) is an online database of materials held by our library. Users search a library catalog mainly to locate books and other material available in a library. The OPAC can be accessed through campus network -intranet .
2  images  India’s largest resource of Socio-economic statistical information & Data. A Comprehensive insight on the Demographics, Industries, Market, Agriculture ,Economy, Health, Education etc.
3  nlist The N-LIST provides access to e-resources to students, researchers and faculty members. The authorized users can access (6,000+ ejournals and 31,35,000+ ebooks )e-resources and download articles required by them directly from the publisher’s website.
4  NDL MHRD under its National Mission on Education through ICT has initiated the National Digital Library of India (NDLI) to develop a framework of virtual repository of learning resources with a single-window search facility.
5  Research Research Revolution Journal indexed with UGC India. Research Revolution is an international, online open access, double blind peer reviewed, refereed, …
6  Shodh The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. The repository has the ability to capture, index, store, disseminate and preserve ETDs submitted by the researchers. 
7  Pathshala It offers e-content  of 77 subjects at postgraduate level. High quality, curriculum-based, interactive content in different subjects across all disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts & humanities, natural & mathematical sciences, linguistics and languages is being developed under this initiative named e-PG Pathshala. 
8  DOAJ DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.
9  Untitled JECR is an open access peer review research journal.The journal focuses on electronic commerce including their theoretical foundations, infrastructure, and enabling technologies.
10 IJMS  IJMS is an open access peer review research journal that publishes articles in the field management science. The journal serves as a bridge between worldwide scholars and management science researchers. The journal aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on recent developments in business studies.
11 IJCMS  IJCMS is an open access peer review Tri-Annual research journal that publishes articles in the field commerce & management. The journal serves as a bridge between worldwide scholars and commerce and management studies researchers.
12  Economics Economics is an online journal dedicated to publishing high quality original research across all areas of Economics.
13 download


The peer-reviewed open-access encyclopedia, where knowledge is curated by communities of experts.
14 Census  Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (ORGI), Provisional Population Totals of India & States/UTs.
15  cambridge The most popular dictionary and thesaurus for learners of English. It provides meanings and definitions of words with pronunciations and translations.
Explore the fact-checked online encyclopedia from Encyclopaedia Britannica with hundreds of thousands of objective articles, biographies, videos, and images …
17  SOS S.O.S. MATHematics is your free resource for math review material from Algebra to Differential Equations! The perfect study site for high …
18  index  The World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world.
19  index The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of 189 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world.
20 Pearson e-Library is a comprehensive digital learning solution to empower learners across all disciplines. Readers/Users  can now access their Programme books as per their convenience, from anywhere, on any device 24X 7.
21 Computational Statistics and Data analysis is an Online Open Access Journal indexed in the UGC Care List II. A Journal for Computer Science subject.
22 International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing (IJCVIP)is an Online Open Access Journal indexed in the UGC Care List. A Journal for Computer Science subject.
23 The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), also referred to simply as the Journal, is an American newspaper based in New York City, with a focus on business and finance. It operates on a subscription model, requiring readers to pay for access to its articles and content. The Journal is published six days a week by Dow Jones & Company, a division of News Corp. The first issue was published on July 8, 1889.
24 ET Prime is a members-only business storytelling platform from the house of The Economic Times, India’s oldest and most trusted business news brand.
Economic Times India’s Leading Business Newspaper offers Business News, Financial news, Stock/Share Market News, Economy News, Loans & Banking News, …
25 Magzter is the world’s largest digital newsstand, offering 9000+ magazines and newspapers at your fingertips. Enjoy unlimited reading anytime, …
26 Business Line, known as The Hindu Business Line, is an Indian business newspaper published by Kasturi & Sons, the publishers of the newspaper The Hindu headquartered in Chennai, India. The newspaper covers priority industry verticals, such as agriculture, aviation, automotive, IT, in weekly specials.
27 Mint is an award-winning business publication from India, held in high esteem by the country’s business leaders, founders, and policymakers. It enables decision makers around the world to make sense of one of the world’s fastest growing major economies.Mint was founded on February 1, 2007, to serve as an unbiased and clear-minded chronicle of the Indian Dream.

April/May 2024




Semester-II(Repeat & Truncated Syllabus)


Semester-IV(Repeat & Truncated Syllabus)


Semester-VI(Repeat & Truncated Syllabus)



Semester-II(Repeat & Truncated Syllabus)











Semester-IV(Regular & Repeat)



Term-II Semester-II



March 2024


Term-II (Repeat)

Term-III (Repeat)



January 2024



November 2023

Semester-I (Repeat)



Semester-VI (Repeat)


Semester-I (Repeat)



Semester-VI (Repeat)





Semester-VI (Repeat)



Semester-II (Repeat)

Semester-III (Regular & Repeat)

Semester-IV (Repeat)

Semester-V (Regular & Repeat)

Semester-I Semester-I

Semester-II (Repeat)


Semester-IV (Repeat)


September 2023


Term-III (Repeat)



June 2023



Sem-I, Repeat

Sem-II, Repeat

Sem-III, Repeat

Sem-IV, Repeat

Sem-I, Repeat

Sem-II, Repeat

Sem-III, Repeat

Sem-IV, Repeat

Sem-I, Repeat

Sem-II, Repeat

Sem-III, Repeat

Sem-IV, Repeat


April/May 2023

B.Com BCA B.Voc.(ST) BBA(FS) BBA M.Com





Semester IV













Semester IV(Repeat)










Term III Semester-I(Repeat)




Semester IV





January 2023



Term II Semester I Semester I


November 2022

B.Com BCA B.Voc.(ST)



Semester I

Semester III

Semester V

Semester VI – Repeat

Semester I

Semester III

Semester V

Semester VI – Repeat

Semester I

Semester III

Semester V

Semester I

Semester II – Repeat

Semester III

Semester IV – Repeat

Semester V

Semester V –Repeat

Semester VI – Repeat

Semester I – Repeat

Semester II

Semester III

Semester IV – Repeat


October 2022


Term – I


August 2022



Semester I – Repeat

Semester II- Repeat

Semester III – Repeat

Semester IV- Repeat

Semester V – Repeat

Semester I – Repeat

Semester II- Repeat

Semester III – Repeat

Semester IV- Repeat

Semester II- Repeat

Semester III – Repeat

Semester IV- Repeat


June 2022

B.Com BCA B.Voc.(ST) BBA(FS) M.Com


Semester II

Semester IV

Semester V – Repeat

Semester VI

Semester II

Semester IV

Semester V – Repeat

Semester VI

Semester II

Semester IV

Semester V – Repeat

Semester VI

Semester II

Semester II – Repeat

Semester IV

Semester V – Repeat

Semester VI


Semester II

Semester IV

Semester II


January-February 2022

B.Com BCA B.Voc.(ST) BBA(FS) M.Com


Semester V

Semester V – Special Exam

Semester V Semester V Semester V

Semester V – Repeat

Semester V – Special Exam

Semester I

Semester I – Special Exam

Semester II

Semester III – Special Exam

Semester  I

Semester I – Special Exam


January 2021
Semester 5 (CBCS) Regular

Semester 5 (Non – CBCS) Repeat

Semester 6 (Non – CBCS) Repeat

Semester 5 Semester 5 MCom Part 2 Accounting & Finance

MCom Part 2 Business Management

October 2019
B.Com BCA & B.Voc.(ST) BBA(FS) M.Com
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Semester 6
Semester 1
Semester 3
Semester 5B.Voc.(ST)
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April 2019
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October 2018
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Semester 1
Semester 3
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Semester 1
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Semester 5
MCom Part 1
MCom Part 2 Accounting
MCom Part 2 Management
April 2018
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Semester 2
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October 2017
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Semester 6 New Course
Semester 6 Old Course
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April 2017
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Semester 3 Repeat
Semester 4
Semester 4 Repeat
Semester 5
Semester 6
Semester 1
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Semester 3
Semester 4
October 2016
Semester 1
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Semester 6
Semester 1
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Semester 5
Semester 1
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Semester 3
Semester 4
Semester 5
Semester 1
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April 2016
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Semester 1
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Semester 2
Semester 4
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Semester 1
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Semester 1
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October 2015
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Semester 1
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April 2015
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Semester 2
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Semester 6
Semester 2
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Semester 1
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Semester 3
Semester 4

Activities conducted for the academic year 2020-21

1. India’s Freedom Struggle through Stamps: A Compilation 

2. Virtual Book Exhibition on Biographies:  

3. A Video on Famous Quotes of Mahatma Gandhi:

 4. Kavyotsav 1.0 – Intercollegiate Poetry Competition:

5. Celebration of Matrubhasha Diwas:  

6. E –Quiz on Margao:

7. Book Exhibition (Navkar Book Sellers):


Readers’ Club Activities for (2019-20)

Sr. No. Activity Period
1 Inauguration of the Readers’ Club 2019-20. August 2019
2 Book mark making competition September 2019
3 Birthdays of writers and poets as and when it comes.
4 Book Talks availability of the speaker.
5  Book Donation Drive ( Collection) From October 2019
6 Book Donation  ( Handing over books to a school) December 2019
7 Poster  making competition December 2019
8 Article Writing  competition December 2019
9 Mobile Library  visit in the campus. December 2019
10 A play performance Ardha Litre Batlen Don Litre Udak January 2020
11 Quiz February 2020
12 Book review competition for faculty members January 2020
13 Screening of movies based on novels monthly ones.

Activities conducted for the academic year 2020-21

1. India’s Freedom Struggle through Stamps: A Compilation 

2. Virtual Book Exhibition on Biographies:  

3. A Video on Famous Quotes of Mahatma Gandhi:

 4. Kavyotsav 1.0 – Intercollegiate Poetry Competition:

5. Celebration of Matrubhasha Diwas:  

6. E –Quiz on Margao:

7. Book Exhibition (Navkar Book Sellers):


Readers’ Club Activities for (2019-20)

Sr. No. Activity Period
1 Inauguration of the Readers’ Club 2019-20. August 2019
2 Book mark making competition September 2019
3 Birthdays of writers and poets as and when it comes.
4 Book Talks availability of the speaker.
5  Book Donation Drive ( Collection) From October 2019
6 Book Donation  ( Handing over books to a school) December 2019
7 Poster  making competition December 2019
8 Article Writing  competition December 2019
9 Mobile Library  visit in the campus. December 2019
10 A play performance Ardha Litre Batlen Don Litre Udak January 2020
11 Quiz February 2020
12 Book review competition for faculty members January 2020
13 Screening of movies based on novels monthly ones.
 Video on Women of Substance

 Awareness video on E-Resources on Women’s Studies available on NDLI Portal

 Poster of International  Women’s DayPoster Women Day
 Video on Book Exhibition

 Poster on Book Exhibitionbook Exhibition
Celebration of Matrubasha Diwas
Virtual Book Exhibition Video

Celebration of Matrubasha Diwas
Bakibab Borkar Video

Celebration of Matrubasha Diwas
Poet Meet @Damodar

 Poster for Celebration of Matrubasha DiwasPoster of Matrubasha Diwas
Presentation on ‘Innovative Tools for Teaching and Learning’

 Presentation Poster

National Digital Library of India

Awareness on using E-resources on NDLI Portal

Poster for the NDLI Club

“Kavyotsav 1.0”

An Intercollegiate Poetry Competition & Inauguration of NDLI CLUB@ Damodar. Organised by NDLI Club@Damodar and Reader’s Club.

 ndli poster

Click to zoom the Image


 Books to read Feb 2021  Books to read Jan 2021  Books to read Dec 2020
 Books to read Nov 2020  Books to read Oct 2020  Books to read Sep 2020
 Books to read Aug 2020  Books to read July 2020  Books to read June 2020
 Books to read May 2020  Books to read April 2020 Books to read March 2020
Books to read Feb 2020  Books to read Jan 2020  Books to read Dec 2019
Books to read Nov 2019 Books to read Oct2019 Books to read Sep 2019