Investor Hub – Movie Screening

The Department of Management of the College organized Investor Hub Activity-7 for the students of FY BBA and FY BBA(FS) students. A finance movie namely ‘Too Big to Fail’ was screened by the Department for the students.

Asst. Prof. Mr. Anirudha Munj gave a brief overview of the movie to the students to provide them the idea behind screening the movie. The story outlined by the movie – ‘Too big to fail’ describes a business sector deemed to be so deeply ingrained in a financial system or economy that its failure would be disastrous to the economy. Therefore, the government will consider bailing out the business or even an entire sector to prevent economic disaster. It highlights the impact of the unethical strategies used by Lehman Brothers and the actions taken by the U.S. Treasury Secretary to prevent the crash of the stock market.

Towards the end of the movie screening, students were asked to give their views on the reasons behind the stock market crash and ways in which it could have been prevented. A total of 21 students attended the movie screening.
