Investor Awareness Programme

The Department of Commerce and Management, in collaboration with the Goa Branch (WIRC) of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), organized an enlightening session on the ‘Art of Budgeting – Basics of Personal Finance’ on 13th December 2023. The session aimed to enhance investor awareness among the students and participants, shedding light on fundamental principles crucial for personal financial management.

The Resource person for the session was CA Yogesh Kulkarni, CEO, Global Finance Professionals Pvt. Ltd. His comprehensive knowledge and expertise in the domain provided attendees with valuable insights into the nuances of budgeting and personal finance management.

CA Yogesh Kulkarni delved into various facets of budgeting, elucidating its significance in personal finance. He covered essential topics including understanding Budgeting, Financial Goal Setting, Budget Allocation, Debt Management and Investment Basics.

The session witnessed active participation from students and faculty members of the Department of Commerce and Management. The event was overseen by the Teacher Incharge, comprising Asst. Prof. Ainsley Bernard, Asst. Prof. Sandesh Gaonkar, Asst. Prof. Swati Bhat and Asst. Prof. Akshada Gaonkar who facilitated the smooth conduct of the session.

The event concluded with a Vote of Thanks delivered by Safaa Sayad, student from SY B.Com, expressing gratitude to CA Yogesh Kulkarni for his insightful session and acknowledging the collaborative efforts of the Department of Commerce and Management and the Goa Branch (WIRC) of ICAI for organizing such an educative and impactful event. 113 students attended the session.
