Intramural Chess Tournament

The Department of Physical Education and Sports organized a unique online Chess tournament for students and staff on 31st October, 2020 from 11.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. through Online Mode – This is the first College to organize an Online chess tournament in such fashion.  33 students and 2 staff participated in the tournament.

The key features of the Chess tournament were:

  • It was played through
  • It was played in arena format.
    3) The duration of the tournament was 90 minutes.
    4) The initial Clock time was 10 minutes with 5 seconds increment.
    5) The fixtures of the tournament were randomly drawn.Screenshot (20)


Name of the player Class/Dept  Position Cash Prize (Rs.)
Mr. Dhiraj Kumar TY B.Com – D 1st place 3000
Mr. Tanfir Ali FY BCA – A 2nd place 2000
Dr. Madanant Naik Asst. Professor, Commerce 3rd place 1000
