International day of Girl Child

The Women’s Cell organized an event to commemorate the ‘International Day of the Girl Child’ on October 11, 2023 from 9:00 am to 10:00 am in Hall 2, with the aim of raising awareness about the unique challenges and opportunities faced by girls worldwide. In addition to celebrating this important day, the Women’s Cell also initiated a guest lecture titled “Breast Cancer Awareness: Your Body, Your Responsibility,” in line with the Breast Cancer Awareness Month, observed throughout October. The Resource Person was Dr. Sophia C. Rodrigues.

The event was compered by Riya, a student from FYBCA, who opened the proceedings and warmly welcomed all the attendees. Radhika, from FYBCA, took the stage to introduce the esteemed Chief Guest, Dr. Sophia C. Rodrigues, a prominent doctor in the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The event began with a floral welcome by Dr. Lira Menezes Gama, the Convenor of Women’s Cell, signifying appreciation for the Chief Guest’s presence.

Dr. Sophia Rodrigues commenced the session by emphasizing the significance of ‘Breast Cancer Awareness’ month. In her enlightening lecture she covered early detection, self-examination, and breast cancer prevention. She emphasized maintaining a healthy lifestyle, discussed recent screening advancements, and engaged the students in an interactive session providing them with valuable insights into this vital health issue. The session was highly interactive and concluded with a Q&A encouraging students to seek further clarification.

Following the informative lecture, the students of the Women’s Cell showcased a thought-provoking video titled ‘Empowering Girls, Building a Bright Future.’ This video featured profiles of remarkable women like Sindutai Sapkal, Oprah Winfrey, Savitribai Phule, Hellen Keller and Maya Angelou who overcame childhood adversity to achieve greatness. Their stories served as a powerful reminder of the potential within every girl.

The event concluded with Diya, FYBCA student, delivering the Vote of Thanks. She expressed gratitude to all the participants and organizers: Dr Lira Menezes, Ms Zakiya Tahir, and Ms Yugandhara Joshi, underscoring the importance of the event’s dual focus on the International Day of the Girl Child and Breast Cancer Awareness.

This event was a successful and meaningful initiative that not only celebrated the resilience and potential of girls but also raised awareness about a critical health issue, leaving a lasting impact on all those who attended. 90 students attended the event.
