Intercollegiate State Level Competition ‘ECONOMICA’ 2015

The DepartmeEconomica1nt of Economics of Shree Damodar College of Commerce and Economics conducted the Intercollegiate State Level Student Event ’ ECONOMICA’ on 26th February 2015. A total of 35 students registered for the different events.


  • Sell it out Stalls-  where student’s setup counters to sell products made from waste material ‘Wealth out of waste’. They sold products at the counter and made profits.
  • T-shirt painting on the theme Goa: Beauty & the Beast.
  • Picture Mania Collage competition on topic Employment
  • Photography on Topic Employment v/s Poverty (in and around Margao)
  • Extempore competition on the various topics based on Indian Economy.
  • Essay topic Swachh Bharat’ Swachh Goa’ Swachh Campus!! .
  • Debate on the topic Public Services are best provided by Private Sector

The inauguration was held at 9.30 am. The Principal of the College, Dr.(Mrs) Prita Mallya welcomed the function. Prof. (Mrs.) Lydia Menon highlighted the various events to be held during the day. Prof. Dr. B. P. Sarath Chandran proposed the vote of thanks for the inaugural functionEconomica2.

The overall winner of the competition was DM’s College, Mapusa and Runners-up were Government College, Quepem. The function summed up with prize distribution.
