Interactive Session ‘Ecological Traditions of Goa’

The Department of Environment Studies of B.Com. Programme, in collaboration with the Computer Science and Management Studies Departments, organized an interactive session on “Ecological Traditions in Goa” on the occasion of the 72nd Wildlife Week celebration. The event took place on October 3rd, 2023, from 11.15 am to 1.15 pm in Hall No.2. The Resource Person for the session was Shri. Rajendra Kerkar, an esteemed environmentalist. The event was specifically organized for the students studying VAC 103: EPG (Environmental Practices in Goa) course. The programme began with the welcome address of Professor and Principal, Prita D. Mallya. The entire session was hosted by FY BCA student, Astha Tiwari. The aim of the session was to provide EPG students with valuable insights into the ecological traditions that exist in Goa, their significance in preserving the State’s rich biodiversity by exploring the intricate connections between culture and the environment and to provide an opportunity for students to engage in meaningful discussions and exchange ideas on sustainability and cultural awareness.

Shri. Rajendra Kerkar, a renowned expert in ecological traditions, delivered an enlightening talk providing a detailed overview of the ecological habits practiced in Goa and their importance in the state’s biodiversity conservation efforts. His presentation shed light on various aspects, including the historical, and cultural practices, and the impact of these traditions on the environment. The session covered various topics highlighting oral traditions like proverbs, songs, beliefs and folktales protecting biodiversity, various ways in which Nature is worshiped,  Goan practices and rituals in Nature worship and ecological festivals of Goa. The session also addressed the challenges faced by Goa’s ecological traditions and emphasized the need for continued efforts in preserving and promoting these practices.

Students gained insights into potential solutions and interventions. The interactive nature of the session fostered a lively discussion and promoted a deeper understanding of the ecological traditions in Goa. 72 students from  FY B.Com, FY BBA and FY BCA participated in the session. The Vote of Thanks was presented by FY B.Com student, Muskan Nadaf. The Teachers incharge of the session were Asst. Prof. Kanvisha Parsekar and Asst. Prof. Vaibhavi Vishwas Naik.
