Interaction session of First and Second Year BCA and B.Voc students

The Department of Computer Science organized an interaction session of First and Second Year BCA and B.Voc students and faculty members on 5th February 2021 from 09.00 am to 12.30 pm via the Google Meet platform as per the schedule mentioned below.

  • FY BCA and FY B.Voc(ST) – 9.00 am to 10.00 am
  • SY BCA and SY B.Voc(ST) – 11.30 am to 12.30 am

The objective of the session was to provide basic and essential information about the conduct of the classes and assessment for the First and Second Year students of the two programmes. Students were informed about the conduct of the even semester classes and practical sessions. They were also given a brief idea about the different subjects offered in the upcoming semester.

135 students attended and had all their doubts, queries, and concerns resolved at the end of the sessions.
