Inter-collegiate Event “Noesis”

The Department of Computer Science at Rosary College of Commerce and Arts organized an intercollegiate IT event “Noesis” on the 14th and 15th of January 2025. The event featured various competitions, including Web Wizards (Website Design), Blind Coding (Coding Competition), Code Hunt (Treasure Hunt), and InnoQuest (Quiz Competition). Additionally, several gaming events like FIFA 24 and Need for Speed were conducted.

A total of 10 students (07 males, 03 females) from VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics participated in the event.

Sr. No Name Class
1 Dhruv Naik SY BCA, Div B
2 Astha Tiwari SY BCA, Div B
3 Thyabha Banu SY BCA, Div B
4 Rohit Karavi SY BCA, Div A
5 Pradnesh Pagi SY BCA, Div A
6 Showil Rebello SY BVoc(ST)
7 Khushal Naik SY BVoc(ST)
8 Moharsh Borker FY BCA, Div A
9 Raj Pagi SY BCA, Div A
10 Aarti Solanki SY BVoc(ST)

Winners of the Event

  • Moharsh Borkersecured 1st place in Need for Speed, a gaming event.
  • Dhruv Naikand Astha Tiwari won 1st place in the InnoQuest quiz competition.
  • Showil Rebello and Khushal Naikwon 3rd place in Blendernate, a 3D modeling competition.

Expected Outcome of the Activity

Noesis provided students with a platform to showcase their technical skills, creativity, and innovation. The event helped participants enhance their problem-solving abilities through various competitions, contributing to their overall development. Additionally, it fostered teamwork, time management, and critical thinking while improving their technical expertise.
